I've taken it down now cos it was limiting us to 8 players We're all on AMO Riders Racing 4. Same combo
it's a good server, i just enjoy driving the F08 online, even if i'm well out of the competition in it. A lot more people showed up than i had expected there to be. Too bad i had to stop because i couldn't drive such a crazy car at 5 fps
Quote from jayhawk :I may sound a bit poncy, but Aston Historic has such a lovely rhythm to it, regardless of car. I love it to and just for that it's AS Historic for tomrrow night Server is back up and running with 23 slots available and a Teamspeak server. It was great racing tonight all be it a bit later than expected.
Quote from Hyperactive :Voted for AS north rev although I think you already had aston config yesterday. Imho, Kyoto long isn't fun with single seaters - great fun with the big GTRs but with FO8 it is too flatout... :iagree: AS North Rev or BL GP Rev for me. Blackwood is the hardest on tires (as is Kyoto GP).
Quote from Tweaker ::iagree: AS North Rev or BL GP Rev for me. Blackwood is the hardest on tires (as is Kyoto GP). Shame - you just missed BLGP Reverse last night. Maybe Aston North Reverse for Saturday