It's too bad that the season is in progress and only a few American drivers are really worthy of sponsorships.
If my PC hadn't broke on me, I'd probably give STCC a shot when they start a new season. Not bragging, but Mercury Racing Team has had the fastest US drivers on their roster (WGooden, Modoff, and myself :o). There are several other US drivers that are becoming worthy of a sponsor deal like this ... I haven't seen them in STCC at all though (mainly because they don't race TBO).
Point is, leaving it to a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd possibility for the sponsored US driver(s), they are up to some pretty stiff competition in other countries... you'd really need some of our finest.
I am no longer in Mercury (left) though, and if I did take part in this deal, I wouldn't have a website. I guess I'd need a personal one, or something... (maybe links in my signature here and on other forums (STCC's site also will have driver pages soon I guess)).
Performance isn't everything though Tweaker, brand association is also important as sponsorship is an industry based upon image as much as it is performance, and I think the STCC does have drivers who fit the criteria who are also capable of registering a financial return on the particular deal offered, more when considering result in class if that was a negotiable option (as we dont have a driver from the Americas in the tarmac dominant FXO).
Anyway it's up to the drivers to sort. I just wish some sponsors would come my way too!
I can't stand people associating me with a 'performance is 100%' mindset. :doh: Please see what I am saying here.
What makes those drivers fast is not just their performance, but a good track record of everything else that fills the gaps.
Surely, the sponsored drivers will become a lot more valuable (for podium results) when we have the TBO class balanced . I'm just saying, at the moment, if Motodirex wanted top results for Plexus Wireless, it'd be a really hard with the current US drivers and the cars they are using. Plexus Wireless would certainly get a lot of publicity though, win or lose.
As much as i'd love to say Logitech are paying me, well they are, they're giving me a G25 which is sort of a payment, the deal is mostly for the drivers as it gives them a nice bundle of prizes, mostly i'm keen to see our cleanest driver award winner getting a G25, but there's a prize pool also for the winner, but exact details I cannot announce yet. Still it doesnt even dent the £1700 i've spent and signed up to spend for everything i've done with the SRA/STCC this season. Having said that i'm not complaining because it is my hobby and i'm happy to spend money on it . I'm also announcing a new sponsor next race - actually it's a case study to see how much traffic we drive for a single event sponsorship and no money is involved - valuable data which I can use to attract real sponsors. The recipient company is a not for profit group run by a friend of mine, but I wont mention it here because I dont want to pollute the data - wait and see
EDIT: Oh sure, email me Link on the contacts page of the STCC site.
You know, in a strange way i'm actually kind of glad the STCC cars are not that well balanced - because the qualifying system that has come into effect as a result means the quicker cars are not at the front, to quote David Coultard, "Any race which has qualifying has the fundamental problem that the fast guys start at the front, and they pull away.". With the class balance as it is we dont have that, which is what makes a 30 minute STCC race so darn exciting - you'll see what I mean next week when round 7 comes out, it's a real cracker !
Sounds great, i'll be checking the site every second up until its posted. Oh, about that email..Hotmail blocked the attachments, so I'll upload them and send them again.
Does this offer need to be limited to STCC? Since you are in Canada and your company is in the US, how about sponsoring a US/Canada based team or league?
Well, the way I see it, if we get skinnable undercarriages, then sponsoring myself would be a valuable investment, becuase you'd get loads of people seeing the sponsorship, just too bad I'm too damn slow to finish anything above 10th, now if leading a race earlier in the season was worth something... :hide:
Becky, also ain't Rob Sherborne in the USA, even though he's a UK'er?
LOTA is North America's best league at the moment Filled with US drivers/teams. But I guess he wants exposure through the broadcasts Though more attention from American players is drawn towards LOTA.
Hey guys!? Go find your own. lol. Or i'll tell 'em about your team videos Tweak... If you going to steal a sponsor from the STCC at least have the discretion to do it behind my back!
Look, its a promotion tool, and if 120,000 people watch each STCC broadcast (in just the first 3 months!), then i think its a LOT more promotion than the other 19 racers in race
Problem is even though LOTA is based in the US when you compaire STCC viewing figures to any other league there is no compairision to the number of eyes that catch with whatever your trying to promote. Even if 10% of the downloaders came from the US (which is probably closer to at least 20-30%, I don't know for sure) thats roughly 4k viewers a month coming from the US downloading the broadcast, not including people that watch the braodcasts via Google Video and U-Tube.