I agree the pit stops need a tweak in options and timing.
Tires(or tyres depending on which bit of the planet you stand on)need to be changed all at once and at the same time as topping up fuel (gas,petrol,soylent green) in the BF1 "Top Money"catagories while being left as slow (infuriatingly slow) for the Uf1 racing and other "feeder"catagories.

May i suggest something like giving each pit action a 'slot' and as a server setting give each racer a set number of pit crew to fill those slots.
(say 3-12).
EG: racer X in a 5 pit crew team enters pit for 4 tires/1 fuel/and a wing adjustment,as well as some minor damage.
5 slots are taken for the tyres/gas,then once a tyre is finished its provides a free slot and wing adjustment takes place(with a +2 or 3 second addition to walk trot around the car to a wing)
The damage comes last filling the vacated pit slot as actions are completed,and as other pit crew are finished they could join into the repair effort(again a 2,3 second gap for getting to the next position).
Joint pit crew work performed just on damage minor and major(not on any other pit actions as they are one man jobs[although two wheel men would be a realistic option]) speeding the final working pit action up before Racer X gets out into the race again.
Please understand Im not asking you draw the pit crew in for now,just to simulate the timing of a huge pit dedicated crew Vs a bunch of guys helping a mate on sunday afternoon club meetings.
And if given a 'Race Manager'option interface We could set what actions to be done first,and an 'abort' button for some actions to get a driver out quick in a race where track position means everything.
That said,may i say in closing that the pit system as is now is still the best and most realistic pitting ive ever seen and i love racing servers with mandatory stops because of it.
PS-In a RL aside,.. Anyone remember how sad it was to see F1 pit crews with 4 official tyre temperature checkers and wheel touchers in the 2005 series with the zero tyre change rules?