The online racing simulator
LFS S2 GTR Car's numberplate and font in high-res?
Hi, I'm looking for some high resolution versions of the numberplates that are commonly used on the GTR car's default skins, as well as a font that is the same as said skins?

#2 - joen
The numberplates aren't part of the skinfiles, so you can't change them. The same goes for the font.
Not that you are able to use the GTR cars anyway.
Quote from joen :The numberplates aren't part of the skinfiles, so you can't change them. The same goes for the font.
Not that you are able to use the GTR cars anyway.

By numberplate I meant the part of which a racing car's number is displayed.

EDIT: And quit trying to call me a cracker, I never crack the simulation software!!! And what's wrong with skinning cars I like?
no one called you one?

what do you mean "high resolution versions of the numberplates that are commonly used"

do you mean the LFS thing and the number?
i think someone made one .. a looong time ago though, i have no idea what to search for

either way its better you make it yourself; thats true for everything actually
...the part circled...

If I made it myself, then all I'd need to know then is...
1. Where can I find a quite high-res logo...?
2. What's the font used for the number as well as the S2 part of the logo as shown on the screenshot?
Attached images
That exact number plate isn't available anywhere, it is made by someone who isn't even around anymore.

It's not hard to make your own though.
Heres the best one i have got. Not the big but should do. Also the font looks like it could be Agency fb (i think its called) Just scroll through all your fonts till either you find one you like or one that is similar.
Attached images
number plate.jpg
Here's the original plate by g30rge (I bet if/when he gets back he's gonna kick my ass). The font is called 'Eurasia'.

EDIT: If the resolution isn't high enough for your use, it isn't that hard to draw it yourself. To get a big LFS logo, just press 'print screen' button when starting LFS, and paste the image to your favourite editing program..
Attached files
number_gss.psd - 24.8 KB - 582 views
#10 - Gunn
Race Plate Kit @ Master Skinnerz. PSD format. Go to the bottom of this page.
Oh, and logos can be downloaded Here
Quote from Gunn :Race Plate Kit @ Master Skinnerz. PSD format. Go to the bottom of this page.

nice page, but not what I was looking for
That's the most epic necroposting I've ever seen. Worth it.