Yea.. I mean.. it's neither a ferrari nor a porsche.. not even a Porrari, it's a FZ50, thus it should have the FZ50 engine! (Ferarsche Engine maybe...)
But maybe some knowledge of how the FZ50 is setup, then you could easily answer what engine this car should have. :doh:
The engine is in the back of the FZ, it should have a flat 6 Porsche engine. That's simple to figure out.
However, it looks as if there is even plenty of room in the front for the engine for the FZ... such a long ugly nose compared to the Porsches. But maybe the wheelbase is the same... But I'll always remember the secret screenshots when we first saw the FZ, I always thought the engine would be in the front because there seems to be so much room. Kind of wierd.
May be an idea for the FZF50 with teh engine in its nose ^_^ but then there's no space for "everything" you need. I got there a 1000/100/10 MBit/s 24 Port, Server, Wheel, Cables, ... ;]
argh, please no more "omg its looks liek this car + this car + that car + maybe that car!!!!!!!!!!!! its amazing!" we had this a kazillion times back in S1 and before s2 hehe
Anyways... I don't care about the powerplant, just as long as the car handles well. I really don't like the FZ50 much at the moment, it feels too much like a boat to me. I've tried everything to make it pleasing to drive, but I am a LX guy, and that car I enjoy. The RAC is ok too, but I just don't see how the FZ50 can be classified as a sports car.
Well, it's not a family sedan either... How would you classify it?
A sports car is a car that looks and drives a little more agressive than your average road car... My RL Honda CRX Del Sol is less powerful than the FZ50, but you can be sure it's a sports car. Entry level sports car, yes, but a sports car nonetheless...
It just doesn't run well until you reach 4000 rpm. The license plate says "You can still read this? Just wait till the VTEC kicks in!" and it's true... It's not made to take with you when you go grocery shopping, but it's fun at traffic lights.
Personally I don't like the handling of it very much, like you tweaker, but it's got a nice kick to it anyway.
Well yeah both cars really. But the FZ is more of the sluggish type to me, and unreliable. RAC at least has some fun to it... but after a long race you feel so wierd
Well sports car meaning -- a comparable type to what it relates too... like a Porsche. I haven't driven a Porsche before, or at least a car that has similar specs, but it just doesn't seem right how the FZ50 drives compared to how well you can drive the actual 911's. I always imagined a Porsche being a lot better than the FZ drives. But the FZ isn't a 911 I guess, it is completely different. Maybe a CD50, Cadillac Deville 50.
You've got a point there about the Porrari being sluggish, but please keep in mind what cars you're comparing it too. The Lx6 and RAC are VERY small weight/high powered cars. They're bound to be responsive and such.
The Porrari on the other hand... well yeah, it is heavy, and that's exactly what it feels like. My point is that if you compared the FZ50 to cars of similiar power/weight ratios I don't think it would seem so "boaty".
I used to be an LX6 maniac back in S1, I still enjoy it. But I've learned to enjoy the Porrari as well... all it takes is a good setup and a few laps. trust me, it's worth the try. I'm attaching my favourit set: