Reason why it is later accepted is because there is no alternative, still W95 would run much faster everything with my current hardware and if we would put some work to it, then it would have all features new versions have just it would work faster, unless it would be filled with bloatware.
w95 was bad because games did run much slower in it than what they did in DOS, again eventually everyone was forced to spend lot of money to hardware.
From gamer perspective DOS still would be pretty much enough, it would just be needed bit more work from game developers as they would need to build support for hardware, maybe bit upgraded DOS version and it would be enough for playing games.
Windows would be just fine for other work stuff and everything related for that.
As long as people will act such way as they have done before there is no real evolution in operating systems and this loop of DO LOOP new SW THEN new HW will continue it's insanity.
w95 was bad because games did run much slower in it than what they did in DOS, again eventually everyone was forced to spend lot of money to hardware.
From gamer perspective DOS still would be pretty much enough, it would just be needed bit more work from game developers as they would need to build support for hardware, maybe bit upgraded DOS version and it would be enough for playing games.
Windows would be just fine for other work stuff and everything related for that.
As long as people will act such way as they have done before there is no real evolution in operating systems and this loop of DO LOOP new SW THEN new HW will continue it's insanity.