I am going to get a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel (can't afford anything else) My budget is £7.50. Can you find me a deal i will fully appreciate it.
NO way, i sold my gameport version for a fiver, and postage was a tenner (and thats about the cheapest - to get a wheel that size is about £7.50 on its own just postage), and the USB ones tend to fetch a fiver more
I think I read somewhere about a guy who had the same problem. He then bought some springs at a local hardware store (not pc hardware, I mean a real hardware store) and they cropped the springs there till they were suitable.
mine is about 10 yrs old so it has suffered alot and i still like it compared to other wheels i tried, im gonna try and fix it myself, either a new spring or weld the pieces together, i just hope i wont destroy the thing in anger.