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God loves you so he told me to kill you
(57 posts, started )

Poll : This guy should be

Reincarnated as an Iraqi
Made President of the US
Quote from JamesF1 :Well, show me any conflict in the Bible that can't be resolved by context and perhaps I'll have to rethink my beliefs ... bible-contradictions.html

Knock yourself out. That's just one quick link I googled up. You should read "From Preacher to Atheist" by Dan Barker for a better source. Of course, every Christian always claims "context" when shown black and white contradictions.

Quote :As for the ten commandments... they're not called that by God or Moses, no. But guess what... they're commandments, and there's ten of them. Can you make the mental link? If you want to be pedantic, there are hundreds of commandments in the Old Testament and the New Testament... so maybe it's time to stop being picky for the sake of it?

I'm not being picky. I'm pointing out a glaring contradiction between what the bible says and what supposedly religious people teach. The ten commandments are exactly where I listed them, in Exodus 34:11. In Exodus 34:1 it reads "And the LORD said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon
[these] tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest." Moses gets two tables (stone tablets) and goes up the mountain. God then says, "Observe thou that which I command thee this day," then goes on to list ten things (which include never boiling a kid in its mother's milk, keeping a feast of unleavened bread, etc). "And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments." (Exodus 34:28). The oft quoted "ten commandments" (thou shalt not kill, etc.) listed in Exodus 20 are never called commandments in the bible, and were never engraved on stone tablets.
Quote from JamesF1 :Wait... but I didn't contradict the Bible... Surely that's what should matter to Christians?

the 10 commandments and the triple commandment of jesus are essentially the same
#53 - SamH
Just happened on this thread, and found it most interesting

JamesF1, just one point.. if Christians believe there is only one god, then to argue that Muslims worship a different god is wholly unchristian. Either there is only one god or there isn't.

In fact, Islam and Judaism share a common descent, and that is of God and Abraham. Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. This is the point of division between the two faiths.. two faiths, but one god. It's quite well covered in both the bible and the quoran. Know your texts.
My point being that what Muslims believe is not what Christians believe. I didn't say I believe they're also right And you're quite correct, Ishmael and Isaac are indeed the point of division, but the two faiths have gone in largely different directions since then.
Which is more than symbolic BTW since one line was born of the promise of God through faith, the other is the ideas of man trying to effect the plan of God through their own ideas and mind.
I much prefer to effect my own plan with the use of my own mind - the source of the original idea is a lot more reliable than two millennia of hearsay

God loves you so he told me to kill you
(57 posts, started )