The online racing simulator
TEST Patch W21 (compatible with W17)
(168 posts, closed, started )
A quick solution to Shift+S addiction:

Options\Game\Alt+F1..F8, add /shift p in the Alt+F1 box.

So, you use alt+f1 when you want to telepit, and shift+s if you want to spectate immediately.
exactly, i've always had a pit button bound to the wheel so i can (hopefully) pit before i hit anyone else if (when?) i screw up or if i get pushed onto grass on run to t1
I don't see any need in "my skins" folder. You put your skins into skins folder, others' skins go to skins_x or skins_y.

LFS needs
0) renaming and deletion button for color schemes, like for setups
1) timestamp checking if a skin is already converted to dds or if it was updated
2) automatically move large skins to _y and small to _x

_x and _y are the folders where you put the skins you don't want to use yourself. skins folder is for those you may use. That's it.
Possible bug.

When I slide off into a large gravel trap I seem to get a lot of echo added to the sounds as if I have slid off into a tunnel. Some of the traps are large and I am no-where near any hard surfaces to cause the extra echo. Once back on the circuit it takes a few seconds for the echo to reduce back to my normal levels. This seems to be whenever I leave the circuit with lots of skid sounds not limited to just gravel traps.

I don't think this is limited to the latest W patches though as I have suspected it has been happening for sometime but obviously I don't crash that much to hear it . Has anyone else noticed this?

Just wanted to chip in that W21 is a great update! There seems to be lesss popping in of objects of the ground, hopefully that's not just a figment of my imagination (grid lines etc aren't popping, however graphic such as pit entrance still is).

However, more importantly, the ultra wide is $$@%% awesome. I'm restricting myself to just 135 degrees, but wow, it really opens things up. Less work in TrackIR, my two side screens will easily show cars a lot earlier than before.

I did put 3 pounds in, and the skins look great too. Thanks Scawen

Funky of

ps. the earlier issue of names no longer appearing until you're right on top of them with ultrawide setup does now seem to be resolved. Not sure if it made it into the log or not but all feels natural now.
Quote from detail :I don't see any need in "my skins" folder.

In the Skins folder are a lot of default-skins which me confusing. so will a my_skins folder be very great because there are only my own skins without defaults. I´m not sure if you want your zero-point?? zero means nothing, its a non-existent point?
Would be nice to make the new hostlist filter can reset default to "no", since default is also "no" for hosts, and idea is to not use that thing anyway.
Hi-res skin question...........

May or may have been asked already, but here goes, imagine the scenario.

I have my settings set to lo-res for a while, download plenty of low-res skins, I suddenly have a fit of madness and pay for hi-res skins, do my current lo-res skins get overwritten by spanky new hi-res ones automatically?, or do I have to clear out the low-res ones for the hi-res ones to replace them?
Quote from matze54564 :In the Skins folder are a lot of default-skins which me confusing. so will a my_skins folder be very great because there are only my own skins without defaults.

You're right that default skins mess with yours, but what if you want a colour scheme with a default skin?

Well, I don't know, m.b. it is possible to separate defaults into another folder and show them together in skin selection dialog.
Quote :I´m not sure if you want your zero-point?? zero means nothing, its a non-existent point?

Quote from danowat :Hi-res skin question...........

May or may have been asked already, but here goes, imagine the scenario.

I have my settings set to lo-res for a while, download plenty of low-res skins, I suddenly have a fit of madness and pay for hi-res skins, do my current lo-res skins get overwritten by spanky new hi-res ones automatically?, or do I have to clear out the low-res ones for the hi-res ones to replace them?

I may say something stupid, since I have't looked into skins_dds folder at home, but...

I suggest LFS to add suffix to dds files:

skins_y/XRR_SCHNEIDER.jpg (1024) => XRR_SCHNEIDER
skins_x/XRR_SCHNEIDER.jpg (512) => XRR_SCHNEIDER

then LFS selects which best suits your settings: min(max(available skins), your settings).
Hi Scawen,

regarding the bug when LFS shutdown to desktop after pressing the LEAVE button I found something new.I have been today on 24H test server and when there was a few players I didnt got that bug but now there are 19 players and when I pressed LEAVE button LFS again shutdown to the desktop so its somehow related to number of drivers on the server.Again no crash adress however:-(.
Quote from danowat :Hi-res skin question...........

May or may have been asked already, but here goes, imagine the scenario.

I have my settings set to lo-res for a while, download plenty of low-res skins, I suddenly have a fit of madness and pay for hi-res skins, do my current lo-res skins get overwritten by spanky new hi-res ones automatically?, or do I have to clear out the low-res ones for the hi-res ones to replace them?

If you set to 512 LFS will only use 512 skins and download them if they are not in the skins_x folder. If you set LFS to 1024 it will only use 1024 skins and download them if they are not in the skins_y folder.

So if you change the setting LFS will download the respective size.

Quote from detail :I may say something stupid, since I have't looked into skins_dds folder at home, but...

I suggest LFS to add suffix to dds files:

skins_y/XRR_SCHNEIDER.jpg (1024) => XRR_SCHNEIDER
skins_x/XRR_SCHNEIDER.jpg (512) => XRR_SCHNEIDER

then LFS selects which best suits your settings: min(max(available skins), your settings).

There are no downloaded skins in the skins_dds folder. All downloaded skins go to skins_x(512²) and skins_y(1024²) and LFS selects them automatically.

Seriously guys..... please try things out before making a post here.
I didnt know where to ask that but Scawen did you ever check how much is there overdraw when you see many cars models before you or around you.I know this is wrong thread and kill me for that but it just came on my tongue.Probably I spend too much time reading the ATI documents for this.Sorry couldnt help myself.Just trying to help :scared:
(felplacerad) DELETED by felplacerad : oh it was already reported. sorry.
Quote from DEVIL 007 :I didnt know where to ask that but Scawen did you ever check how much is there overdraw when you see many cars models before you or around you.I know this is wrong thread and kill me for that but it just came on my tongue.Probably I spend too much time reading the ATI documents for this.Sorry couldnt help myself.Just trying to help :scared:

Post that in improvements or email it to devs.
I think I've figured out the occasional crash on leaving game - at least, I found a sufficient explanation for it.

I expect to release that update today, it's a minor update because I've been trying to have a break this weekend, to save my eyes, but had to fix such an important bug as this - crashes really are the worst thing a program can do.

It's frequent enough that we'll know it's fixed if no-one gets in again this evening.
I have had a look through this section and can't find anyone else with this issue but it looks like you can still jump the start. I don;t know if this is intentional or not, or if it was just a glitch.

In the first screenshot you can see that I have engaged 1st before it is green and in the second you can see that I am doing 3mph before it goes green. No penatly was awarded as can be seen from the replay. If it is just a case that I had not passed outside my box on before the green light then I guess that is an accurate simulation of a start but I don;t know if that is the intention. Also this was done with patch W17.

1st gear before start

3mph before start

sorry if this has been dealt with but I didn't see anything relating to it.

Edit: resized pictures
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airace.spr - 896.9 KB - 305 views
I think i came across the leave server bug. I was spectating on a server where a lot of drivers were racing. I checked to see which cars they were using and then left. That is when lfs crashed. This is reproducable.
I got the error report, i was running drwatson but it didnt seem to catch anything. How does that program work?

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TEST Patch W21 (compatible with W17)
(168 posts, closed, started )