I know its quite late so im not expecting an instant reply, but does anyone know why i get 4 stars when going into the airport, even if i follow the road indicated on the map?
After finishing the game, and playing it, im a little dissapointed in some aspects, but its mainly the cops.
For example, there was a shootout between 3 guys and 2 cops. Eventually, the cops car blew up from the shots. As i walked past it, a civilian knocked the cop car into me setting me on fire. Then the police radio came on saying "Burn victim on xxx street" and then the police came after me!! WTF! If im burning, dont arrest me, HELP ME!! So, as i was helplessly flaling about on the floor, i got 2 stars and got shot to death. It just seems to me that you dont get as much freedom as you did in SA. I miss flying up and down the airport or cruising around in it. But now, i cant even follow the indicated roads without getting 4 stars? wtf is all that about?
Overall, i do love this game and play it regularly, but it seem;s the police are TOO strict for a free roaming game. I mean, ffs, you cant even purposely set yourself on fire without getting wanted by the police!