Oh, you want comments? Oh ok, here. IT SUCKS. And the main reason im saying this is because i cant believe you have grabbed someone's interiors, then modified them without even sending them a PM to ask permission. All you have done is got piece's of other peoples interiors then cropped them in which looks like it took you the most of 10 seconds to do. If you want respect and people to take you seriously, do one of these things before you post an interior:
1. if your using parts of other peoples interiors, ALWAYS send them a PM, e-mail, ANYTHING, so they at least know you are going to use parts off of there interiors.
2. If you have used parts of other people interiors, at least give them credit. i have'nt seen all the parts of that mix of interiors before, but i defintely recognise the piece around the guages. Its from Smurfens "Tuner" interior.
3. To make a OK interior/Skin/Texture, take at least 30 minutes on it. It looks as if you have taken 10-15 minutes making this interior (even though you did'nt even make it, you just cropped piece's of other interiors into this mix)