The online racing simulator
Quote :Could someone please post a config file, one that works.

I got it to work. I needed to change the IP in the config file to my LAN IP. No one mentioned that and it wasn't in the readme; but that's what the problem turned out to be.


Another friend of mine attempting to made multi-ports "insim" plateform for possibility we can open more of only 1 insim port actualy.
This is good for use in same time insim port for spectator and 1 other insim port for lapper for exemple.
Keep in touch.....
@ Monk : sry for this "off topic" post :$
Speaking of ^ that ^, for the sake of tidyness you should let users decide which port they want lapper to use instead of sending "0".

Sending "0" also confuses my insim proxy.
@ Filur : I think is not possible...some insim applications using his own specific port.illepall
You can use a Gateway to run muliple InSim modules, I use RaceManager that has a few nice modules built in and lets you run others aswell.

Just config LFSLapper to use the gateway port and password and you can run most InSim apps simultaniusly.
Quote from gwendoline :each insim application using his own specific port.

Any insim app is free to listen on any free port, there's no such thing as specific ports.

Lapper sends no port (0), meaning ..
Quote :Note : If Port is zero, LFS will send replies back to the port of the incoming packet

Quote from Noxi :You can use a Gateway to run muliple InSim modules, I use RaceManager that has a few nice modules built in and lets you run others aswell.

Just config LFSLapper to use the gateway port and password and you can run most InSim apps simultaniusly.

Sry not dude.U confuse
Actualy u can add to RM only another one "insim apli.
Its not possible for moment to use in same time 2 "insim" mod except in association with RM.
My project is we can use 2....maybe 3 "insim" mod at your :
-Lapper+spectator+TPB(time personal best)
-EIT(Endu Inter Teams)+Lapper.
(After mys first tests all appli sending to insim but only one take priority for receive infos from appli)
My proxy should in theory support infinite clients, runs fine with both dedilink and racemanager connected, but i can't figure out how to connect back to the incoming port in php (ie. lapper), any of the ones i can sniff out seem to be wrong. Would be spiffy if lapper could send the port it's using in the packet, but i should get i working sooner or later i guess.
Quote from filur :My proxy should in theory support infinite clients, runs fine with both dedilink and racemanager connected, but i can't figure out how to connect back to the incoming port in php (ie. lapper), any of the ones i can sniff out seem to be wrong. Would be spiffy if lapper could send the port it's using in the packet, but i should get i working sooner or later i guess.

No problem, I will fix that in new version, so it will send localy binded port instead of 0.
Only thing to change is in Main.cs, line 702:

byte[] inSimInit = InSim.Encoder.ISI(adminPassword,0,0);

should be replaced by

byte[] inSimInit = InSim.Encoder.ISI(adminPassword,((System.Net.IPEndPoint)uc.Client.LocalEndPoint).Port,0);

If you don't have environment to build it, here is binary, so you can test your app..
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :If you don't have environment to build it, here is binary, so you can test your app..

Thanks, still doesn't work tho.

It's pretty strange, i can get lapper working by chaining ..

LFS <-> my proxy <-> racemanager gateway <-> lapper

.. but lapper won't 'initialize' connecting to my proxy, which behaves exactly the same in the above configuration as it would without gateway being involved.
Im having problem with WebStats... I dont get any resaults on the list...

I have my PB.txt and DriftPB.txt in the cgi-bin.

I have this in the PB.txt now for test:


Anyone know what I may have done wrong?
Also... is there a way to edit the layout of the result page?

Do I need a special CGI editor so I dont mess up the code?

Quote from Noxi :Im having problem with WebStats... I dont get any resaults on the list...

Hmm, everything looks ok, CGI was obviously started cause I can see results page. If there were no files there, it should write error on that page. But it didn't, so PB.txt is present there.

What HTTP server are you running ? On which OS ? I only tested WebStats on Apache (on Linux) so far.

The only way you can change look of that results page is modifying C++ source code and recompiling...
I use Debian Linux the latest release... the server shouldnt be a problem.

edit: with Apache 2.0.54-5
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
I now run with your DB.txt but same thing...

edit: I run my server on winxp
Quote from Noxi :I now run with your DB.txt but same thing...

edit: I run my server on winxp

And you use FTP to transfer file from Windows to Linux server ? That could be the problem. In Windows files have CRLF on end of each line (MS always has to complicate things illepall), while in Linux only LF. Because FTP transfer is binary (I will change it to ascii in next version) by default, file is not read correctly by WebStats.

You can patch LFSLapper yourself by modifying following line and rebuilding LFSLapper

FtpClient.cs, line 524:

this.BinaryMode = true;

should be:

this.BinaryMode = false;


When I upload your file with binary I get results!

But how do I rebuild me LFSLapper with this.BinaryMode = false;?

And how do I change the layout of the resultspage?

We are getting closer, hehe

edit: I just looked at the how-to-build.txt I will try that.

But the layout thing?
Because some of you asked me for see my cfg lapper file, i post it here.
Its just an exemple of lapper possibilities.
This cfg is dedied for drift'races.(lousy drifters not welcome)
Next time i post my clean'races cfg.
Rename file to LFSlapper.cfg, and change password and FTP link

[Edit] Dont forget to change my names of PB.txt and dDriftPB.txt on cfg too!
Attached files
LFSLapperdrift.txt - 3.6 KB - 347 views
thanks man been waiting for this

looks good nice work

anymore you get will be nice too
Now i give you my cfg for standart races (drifts not welcome).
Rename and change same things like my last cfg file.
Attached files
LFSLapperstd.txt - 3.9 KB - 376 views
Can some1 tell me how I can use the drift scoring system in LFS? I've read the the readme, but I'm not very good at understanding server creating so can some1 tell me in a simple way how to do it. Thanks!
hi the way i do it is just right click open with and find lfs lapper
also theres little things you can change in the cgf gwendoline has made 2 new ones one for laps/ race and one for drifts.

if you read back a few pages theres a few ways of opening it up.

the main things you need are the host cfg needs /insim 29999 open its verry important that you have that open otherwise it will not work.
before you open lapper you need to have you host open then it works verry easy everything in the programe works well.

anything ive missed i think gwendoline will be able to help

thanks racemania

p.s. if you look for my server i run lapper all the time my server is <DRFT> SERVER 2

I'm running a Linux SuSE Server with Mono. My LFS-Server runs fine, but I wanted to install the LFSLapper, but I doesn't work.

LFSLapper, Version=3.1.2313.42744, Culture=neutral
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Janez Cufer
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.

Error loading ./PB.txt or file does not exist yet!
Error loading ./DriftPB.txt or file does not exist yet!
Connection refused

I don't know why the connection is refused. The files have all 744 and some folders 777
Is the insim post listed in the processstructure ?
Quote from giant7 :
I don't know why the connection is refused. The files have all 744 and some folders 777
Is the insim post listed in the processstructure ?

Seems to me LFSLapper is unable to connect to your LFS server.
Did you run LFS host with /insim=29999 ? (Or typed /insim 29999 in its talk window)
For watch how works my drift cfg i open each sat. & sun. drift server using this config. A small friendly championship is already.
Complete table enable on FRH team site.15 first bests only enable on server.
Warning its restricted to great drifters only....lousers are kicked by lapper.
If you are clean, respectuous of server'rules and like challenge....only one way....goto=>"DRIFT CHALLENGE(PROS ONLY) server (open today 3/6PM-GMT+2 for trainings-8/11PM to 10 laps races)

LFSLapper - Another Insim Mod
(616 posts, started )