No way. BBT's thread on washing your legs was much better than this (was BBT, wasnt' it?)
Anyways, I'm 35 years old, been married 10 years, have 2 kids, I long ago quit worrying about what I look like. I'm dirt poor with a stay-at-home wife for the kids in this mom-works-all-day world (ok, so not dirt poor, I manage, but don't have luxuries like gfx card and G25...) and I work in a factory getting quite dirty. Eating at a fast food joint is "dining out" to us. I don't own a suit, or even a jacket. I am always in a t-shirt and either blue jeans or shorts. I do go to church though, and on Sundays, the t-shirt gets tucked into the jeans with a belt, LOL.