The online racing simulator
Live For Speed - "XP Coccinelle" Compatible?
Hello guys,

I have downloaded Windows XP Coccinelle a few days ago for my laptop, and it's really nice. Anyone know if I can install and properly play Live For Speed with this version of Windows? Coccinelle is a light version of XP so I guess it could work but I don't really want to loose everything if it don't even work...
It should work as long as theres DX on it. I know that "WinLite" was the best one I found, and it was actually designed with gaming in mind.
You can always experiment... :rolleyes:
#4 - joen
Isn't that just some modded XP with stuff added and slipstreamed into it? I don't think you will encounter problems using LFS as it doesn't change anything in XP's "core". I'm using a self-modified version of XP mainly aimed at performance improvement/removing unnecessary crap and it works perfectly and have no problems playing LFS or any other app for that matter.
That Coccinelle version looks too... cluttered and sorta pointless compared to doing just a default XP install.
Quote from joen :Isn't that just some modded XP with stuff added and slipstreamed into it? I don't think you will encounter problems using LFS as it doesn't change anything in XP's "core". I'm using a self-modified version of XP mainly aimed at performance improvement/removing unnecessary crap and it works perfectly and have no problems playing LFS or any other app for that matter.

I'm interested, can you give me more infos about that? Free? Download Link? Thank you!
#7 - SamH
Quote from joen :I'm using a self-modified version of XP mainly aimed at performance improvement/removing unnecessary crap

AKA Windows NT/2000
#8 - joen
Quote from Riders Motion :I'm interested, can you give me more infos about that? Free? Download Link? Thank you!

Well, I can't give you anything to download because I would have to upload my modified install CD and that would be illegal

I made it such a long time ago I don't even remember all the details of what I did
But it's a combination of using nLite ( and manually tweaking things.
You can find a lot of info about it here: ... ows_2000_XP_2003_f70.html

Takes a lot of time and effort and some experimenting though so if you decide to do it test it on another PC or in a VM.

Quote from SamH :AKA Windows NT/2000

Let's just say the best of both XP and 2000
Yeah yeah, the best of XP is 2000 I hear you say
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It should work as long as theres DX on it. I know that "WinLite" was the best one I found, and it was actually designed with gaming in mind.

WinLite is the default label nLite gives the image after you're done making the CD.
Bleh, then what was that distribution of windows that I had installed, that was 100 MB or something ridiculously small that ran like a cheetah.
That n-lite is class, lets you strip down Windows but requires that near 200MiB piece of bloatware that is .NET Framework 2.0 to run. :rolleyes:
I use coccinelle, and LFS is working.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Bleh, then what was that distribution of windows that I had installed, that was 100 MB or something ridiculously small that ran like a cheetah.

why dont you just run a linuz emulator , afteral thats a gaming set-up or jst get a stripped down version of xp ( e.g tiny xp nuke xp etc )
#15 - Jakg

"Coccienelle" IS a stripped down version of XP...
Actually Jakg, its quite the opposite, its windows XP with a bunch of stuff added for convenience, not taken out.

@The Moose: That's what it was.
Some of you might want to keep an eye out for ReactOS and XSOS too.
ReactOS, that's that OS that's been trying to make an Open Source Implementation of the Win32 API's right? Sorta like WINE but on a more complete scale.