The online racing simulator
Slow slick tyred cars
(93 posts, started )
Slow slick tyred cars
I,ve been drive the XRG, XRT, FZ5 and RB4 mainly and they are good cars, But i wanted to go a bit faster round the track maybe jion some race leagues, I've tried the GTRs and the Single Seaters and no matter what i do, I just can't go as fast through the corners as everyone else can cause the tyres don't seem to have any grip when i need it out of the turns, I've tried dozens of setup some better than other and my lines are getting cleaner but i just fed up with cars passing me with ease eventhough im going as flat out as i can without leaving the track

Sorry if this has been covered in another post, Not that i could think what to sreach, A few guesses didn't come up with anything nothing
Is this a post to ask/suggest for slicks on slower cars? If so, do a search for 'Slickmod.' Be advised you will not be able to race online with it unless the server has it, too.

As for being slower; just keep practicing, study other people's lines and axis movements (have the steering and pedals axis visible in replays of other drivers to see their inputs) and most of all, keep practicing.
I have tried watching other people race and i've put in a week or so of offline practice but the way people through go through the turns just dosen't work, All my cars let go and hit the outside wall cause the slick tyers just give up and lose grip and even if i do make the turn i get passed at everypoint, I have the lines but the car just won't go the 3-5 second slower that i am, No matter what i do

And no its nothing to do with Slickmod as that dosen't work with W patch
maybe if you post a replay we can have a look and tell you what you might be doing wrong
Good idea, Will be back with them soom, Thanks for help so far
Ok here are some replays, I tried to get some GTR ones but i just can't find any grip through slower corners mainly but lets go on any corner if it feels like it, Anyways Single Seater replay, Its as fast as i can push the car with it leaving the tramac and i still dunno why it is 4 or so seconds slow
Attached files
BF1.spr - 87 KB - 244 views
F08.spr - 96.2 KB - 239 views
FOX.spr - 91 KB - 246 views
which version of lfs are you using?
Should be the newest one W patch, Sorry this wasn't ment as an improvment surgestion, Altho now its here a have a few, WRC's plus full dirt tracks and truck cabs, two axle short nose and three axel long nose, Sorry to keep adding to post, But to go with the WRC's and full dirt tracks, A dirt autocross area would be good to, Like field or something
Maybe this should be moved to the general or the beginner's section then? lol

I haven't had a look at the replays yet, but what type of controller are you using?
Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP, With looks to get Act labs shifter and tripple pedal set, But for now im shifting with new Audi TT style auto clutch sequental paddles or a PlayStation2 arcade stick

To be honest i wasn't sure where to post, I just saw General Racing Talk and figuared thats a good place to start
I can't watch them due to where I am, but with that controller I doubt its a disability of the controller, but rather its something you are doing wrong. Most likely it is your line.

Just remember the famous Porsche statement, slow in, fast out. Make sure you are hitting the apex's, make sure you are not on the curbs (they will cause problems with the car's balance), and remember that in the faster GTRs and single seaters with downforce, that the faster you go, the more downforce is created, which in turn allows you to turn faster, and safer.

I'm sure there are other things, but those are just some basics which should help you.
yeah, I may not be a great wheel [Only 180deg] But it plays well i think my throttle may be alittle sensitive cause it got full of dust, Using a PS2 arcade stick like a rally click up click down shifter works quite well to

I do slow in fast out, But i get loss of grip between the apex and the exit and can't really fast out without spining, i have the G-ball mod and its show car angle, Its always on 1deg no matter how slow i take a corner or smooth i am on the steering and throttle I have found a few setups that don't do this and i can hold most corners but i can't keep up with the speeds
Make sure that when you start laying down the gas that you don't floor the gas, but instead just feather it in so the car doesn't spin the tires as you exit the turn. I personally would say turn off the Gball, while it is interesting, it won't help you at all, you really have to feel the car rather than hear or see what it is doing, because human instinct relies on feel before sight or sound.

I would suggest making your way up to the faster cars, try some of the harder cars to control also could help you, like learn how to drive the FZ50. Make sure you turn the TC off though. But all of the faster cars that you posted videos are are harder to drive, especially if you don't know the lines of the track, because if you don't know a line, then you can't use downforce as an advantage.
#14 - wien
Had a look at the FOX replay and while your lines are fairly good, it looks like you're generally being too cautious on the brakes. You're never really exceed 50% brake force. Try to get most of your speed off quickly while still going straight and rather coast into the apex a bit until you get more confident.

You also seem to be too late on the throttle going out of corners, and when you do get on it you're too aggressive. Try to start feathering the throttle when you hit the apex, and slowly open it up until you're at 100% when you hit the outside curb. If you can't keep it on the track while doing that, you're going too fast in.

Another thing you should look at is being much smoother on the steering. You seem to be jerking it back and forth a lot, upsetting the car's balance, instead of being smooth through the corners. This could be due to your wheel's limited lock though, but reducing the car's lock in the setup could help alleviate that.
Theres no need for to fuller braking on that track and i don't wanna lock a wheel and late on the power is because the tail slides more grips so if i was earlyer on the power it will just turn car around Witch is my oridgnal problem of having to go slower than everyone else cause the slick tyres And i am smooth on the steering, Its just the wheel making look that way ruducing the steering lock? I had to add more to make some on the tighter turn cause i would turn the wheel and it would stay pretty much stright, Unless you where going 5mph
You could try increasing "wheel turn compensation" in the options, which will increase the precision at the center of steering (but reduce it as the wheel reaches its rotation limit). That way you can increase the setup's max steering lock without the wheel going all jerky at the center (where you need smoothness the most), which might help you catch a slide or two. And if you're able to do that, it could maybe help you to go through the turns with more confidence, as a little too much throttle won't mean a spin.

In general, you're much too cautious through the turns, starting to brake way too early and much too gentle. You then coast through the turn at a too low speed and on exit you wait too long till you get the throttle on. This doesn't mean you should throttle 100% at apex, but you should slowly increase it from there. And saying the track doesn't need 100% braking is nonsense, as light and long braking just means you spend less time going fast, thus wasting time.
i looked at the FOX replay and one of the things i noticed was that you would brake then coast a bit then brake again i think this might be making you slightly slower because when you brake the first time you slowing yourself down when you could be accelerating. if the brakes lock up at 100% braking then reduce the force a bit that should stop them locking up, And to get the power down earlier like somebody else said apply it smoother

edit: androidxp explained it better
#18 - wien
Okay, I just did 3 laps around Aston using your setup and attached it so you can better see what I mean. Look at it inside the cockpit and bring up the pedal bars so you can see my input compared to yours. Please note I never drive the single seaters, so there's still a good few seconds left in the setup I'm sure.

First notice how I always brake 100% into the turn, and then let it up slowly as I turn in. There is absolutely no way you can lock up using that setup, so just go nuts. You could actually up the braking force quite a bit more without locking at all. Look especially at my entry into T1. I brake half way down the outside curb and still get through without drama. You're on the brakes before you reach the curbs, which is way too early.

Also notice how I try to gently ease the car back on the throttle going out of the corners. You seem have a tendency to get on it slightly and then stomp on it too quickly, and that is probably why you lose the back end. Try to be silky smooth.

The final thing you should look at is as i said the steering. You're being way too jerky, and that may also contribute to you losing the back end. As with the throttle; Silky smooth.
Attached files
Test Drive_AS3_FOX.spr - 82.1 KB - 197 views
I have my wheel turn compensation set to 50, I wouldn't know what an i deal setting would be same gose for car setups, I'll try later harder braking and more control steering and power and post a replay or two, Braking later is helping abit but harder is not also braking later cause me to overshoot the apex cause i don't want to turn to hard and i can't get on the power for the exit, Something else i noticed whats that replay, My speed drops round the slight right lef after turn 1 [That i can take 5th gear 100+mph] and i get round the second hair pin cause i can't turn enough with upsetting the blance, Then more speed drop on the long sweeping right hander even though if i turned less it would go off the track its hard to turn enough for the last hair pin and i can't quite turn right half way through the chicane dispite droping to third and about a 1/4 - 1/3 steering to dodge the tyre wall
I just tried everything i've been told or the short version of the track the replays are of, Not only couldn't i beat 1:04.08 i got got over taken by everyone off the start line dispite hitting my shifts and using later braking[Altho making turning in to the turn alittle harder], So the only think i keep coming to is the slick tyres, I've play'd lots of differnt grip games from touring to F1 [Always without most driving aids] and theres something about these slick tyres that just dosen't feel right
For your wheel, Turn compensation should be 1.00 (slider all the way right) and wheel turn 180 degrees..

For the slick tyres, believe me, LFS tyres are the only ones that actually behave like a real tyre (not perfect yet, but the only one that feels right)..
I would like to belive you, but i don't feel nothing from the apex to the exit, I'll try more turn comp but will that affect drifting? Cause at 50 its felt good
#23 - wien
Quote from Koshi_Eternium :So the only think i keep coming to is the slick tyres,

If you think it'll be that easy, you will be disappointed. Becoming fast in LFS is just as hard as becoming fast in real life. It takes tons of practice and refinement of your technique. The guys you're driving against have probably done hundreds (if not thousands) of laps, so it's not shocking that you're lagging behind in the beginning. Just keep at it. Experiment with lines and breaking points, while trying to be smooth, and you'll get there in the end.

If you want more advice, post another replay and I'm sure someone here will help you out.

EDIT: You could also try some of the setups available here. They are usually WR setups so they might be a bit twitchy and rough on the tires, but at least they're fast. You could also download the WR replays from LFSWorld and see how the true aliens do it. Lots to learn there.
Heres some from the short track, I can't get any of the GTR cars round, Only Single seaters, But i've been trying everything and the cars don't seem to have much more to give without overshooting or crashing, I' tried my best to match the replay sent but the car won't drive like that And yes i know i wouldn't be running 1st everytime from no practice, But i didn't expect to be past by at least 7 cars from a standing start using a setup claming to be able to to this short track in under 1:00
Attached files
BF1Shorttrack.spr - 33.8 KB - 176 views
FO8Shorttrack.spr - 37.4 KB - 201 views
FOXShorttrack.spr - 47 KB - 229 views
#25 - troy
after having a look on the last fox spr you sent here, my advise would be to set your rear downforce a bit higher i mostly do that myself also so i can drive the car really agressive and get confident with the track if you see your times getting better and you feel like you cant go faster anymore go 1 degree after the other down again until your back on the original set

secondly you have to know that your tires are still pretty cold after just a few laps try to do 5-10 lap stints and you see yourself getting faster

and the last bit improve your line at the first 2-3 corners you lose around 2 seconds already (just guess work but im pretty sure you can take that better)

Slow slick tyred cars
(93 posts, started )