The online racing simulator
#26 - Dru
yup - go with combos that aren't already over subscribed to..

for instance FOX with BL1 or AS2 forget it same as TBO class, you'll be competing against CTRA..

run something different and get a feel what the people who are on the server want.

we did an exercise like this a few months ago..

we put UF1000's on our server as well as MRT's they filled up pretty quick, from then on we used it as a platform to run our first league, the UF1000 MAyhem cup which was a success. BTE the next planned league may wlll be the MRT, but again go with what is popular, but also not waht people can go and get already on existing servers, for instance if there is 3/4 drivers on your server and the same combo has got 18 racers on CTRAS, then people looking will go to the CTRA (99 times out of 100 i reckon anyway)


MRT can be popular. There are a core group of hardcore MRT fans out there and very few servers for it.