The online racing simulator
Quote from james12s :server?

....doesn't really need testing, i've popped in and seen one of the new features (Like the McLaren F1, you'll love it!), but tbh if she ever needs a driver she's got herself, and Sam (when he gets up!)

I'm evil, aren't i? :P
Oi! I'm up! But I have a headache!
(EasTon) DELETED by EasTon
Quote :What i have done and a tip to anyone else who wants to reduce that stat, is pit right after a race

Once you record a result at the end of the race it stops counting your yellow flags until the next restart, so you are safe there .

Leaving the pits on a mid race join can cause a yellow flag, there's a reason I didn't code that one out .
Quote from Becky Rose :hehe, it tracks the number of yellow flags you have caused other drivers at a maximum of 1 per sector. It stops recording at the end of the race. It provides a general indication of how sloppy a driver is, but is in no way a definitive statistic. Although we display the stat, and we'll use it in the superstar calculation, it does not in any way effect the services available to you .

Hehe, okay

Imagine how crushing it would be if the server sent you a message saying, "You have been disconnected - you are too crap to race on this server. However, you may like to join our banger racing server."
Complete 75% of the race distance without a lap within 120% of the winners lap time and you'll see that message *evil grin*.
(EasTon) DELETED by EasTon
I was wondering when new system is up it will be on S2 with all servers ?. It bugged me that some servers were on S1 with the limit of drivers on server. You had to wait aged to get in because server was full.
Quote from niels1 :I was wondering when new system is up it will be on S2 with all servers ?. It bugged me that some servers were on S1 with the limit of drivers on server. You had to wait aged to get in because server was full.

if im not mistaken with patch x the client and driver limit of s1 was increased to s2 limits
Yep, the only limiting factor now for S1 servers is the range of cars available and the range of tracks. In every other respect, S1 and S2 are the same

S1 licenced drivers will only be able to participate in parts of the CTRAX network because they're limited by the types of cars they can drive. When the servers return, there will be a much greater variety of cars and classes. Stuff we've talked about before, stuff we've toyed with, stuff people won't anticipate.. lots coming
Quote from SamH :When the servers return, there will be a much greater variety of cars and classes. Stuff we've talked about before, stuff we've toyed with, stuff people won't anticipate.. lots coming

i hope youll try another stab at making lrf popular hopefully with less of an entrance requirement
Quote from Shotglass :i hope youll try another stab at making lrf popular hopefully with less of an entrance requirement

I didn't think Silver was too severe an entry requirement for LRF, tbh. We'll be looking at lots of different ways of entering different career paths, basically to get multiple licence structures to run in parallel. There will be some inter-dependency between them, but at the moment we've not set any parameters in stone
Quote from SamH :I didn't think Silver was too severe an entry requirement for LRF, tbh.

wasnt it that silver will only get you in an lx4 which is underpowered to keep up with the rest and not quite what lfr is all about ?
also when you decide about the entry requirements for lfr keep in mind that the class doesnt have any shoppingtrollies which gives it a very neat self regulatory effect against bad drivers
Wow this is sounding pretty sweet. I'm anticipating this as much as I've been looking forward to patch X going live. I've always enjoyed racing STCC/CTRA servers, and I appreciate all the work you guys/gals are doing to improve the experience. Whenever I finish a race on a non-enhanced server I always think, "Damn! That could have been like 7 points!!"
Yeah that is how it feels like it. You dont have a goal anymore. I never feeled it that way before only since I started driving on UKCT.CTRA servers. The point sysmtem makes it that more interesting. You drive for a career insteed of being a winner on other servers.

Anyway your time and efforts are great. Thanks guys. I hope you`ll be back soon !!!
Quote from SamH : lots coming

Anyway I'd like to see the CTRA servers to come back soon with limited functionality. I'd be really happy to see the S1 bronze server online again, maybe only with track rotation, no points and related stuff, just a very basic functionality to keep the server alive for those who want a race in an environment they like.
Quote from Albieg :Great
Anyway I'd like to see the CTRA servers to come back soon with limited functionality.


I want to race the XRG again! :weeping:
Now boys, dry up those tears. Think happy thoughts and go to your happy place. I'm thinking of startin a Betty Ford type clinic that will council clinically depressed CTRA drivers who suffer from withdrawal symptoms ... and it's only been a day, need to take on more staff
(EasTon) DELETED by EasTon
Hey can you guys leave the old servers up in the meantime? I still have a copy of patch W, so I am able to race on those servers. In fact many people who helped test the new patch X also probably still have copies of version W.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Hey can you guys leave the old servers up in the meantime?

They are gone and staying gone until the update is complete unfortunately,afaik.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Hey can you guys leave the old servers up in the meantime? I still have a copy of patch W, so I am able to race on those servers. In fact many people who helped test the new patch X also probably still have copies of version W.

I'm afraid we can't. The CTRA depends on several things including a stable server, which ours isn't now because we're moving data from our machine to our backup machine @ 12.5MB/s at various times of the day, and it also requires a MySQL server. Ours is up and down like a yoyo at the moment because of the work we're doing on it. Any points earned one day may disappear the next day folllowing optimizations/test restores etc.

Add to all that, our server admins need a week or two off to take their vacations while the new CTRA system and support website is being built. With a bit of luck, we'll be able to take a few hours to enjoy some other servers too and have a race with you guys, leaving the admining to someone else. That idea's got some real appeal!
Nice to see you've got time to actually play the game Sam *grumble* !

I've had a bit of a set back this end, i've been using a third party .dll to handle my SQL access and i've found a problem, on ocassions when there is an error it does not fail safe. It can actually terminate execution of my software without my software even being given the chance to trap the error, and because the programming language I am using embeds the .dll, it fails unsafe.

This behaviour makes it unuseable in the CTRA, i'm getting rogue errors without error codes that are forcing program terminanation. Often i'm doing the same thing I was doing moments earlier, it's unpredictable and the fail unsafe behaviour is unusable.

So now I am using a new database module, it's written by somebody I know of and have respect for their programming abilities so i'm hopeful it will deliver the results we need - but it is more complicated than the previous one.

I hope to rewrite the entire SQL source file today in an effort to get back to where I was.
I think the UKCT server is the new temporary replacement for CTRA

For all the lads on yesterday (the usual motley crew) I enjoyed the racing in the XFR with the restriction, some moaned but it did make for some pretty close racing and it's manic around Aston club with 32 cars, a learning curve for all and I'm sure in a week or two the standard will settle down.

so from this can't wait for the new cars and combo's in the CTRA

PS. was this a secret test just to see if the XFR would work in the CTRA plans.
the UKCT server you speak off has nothing to do with the CTRA, it's a separate thing were trialling (along with the GT300's) in conjunction with ZWR.

Of course, once Beckies finished coding the new CTRA server, it might be an idea to integrate the two, but as of yet thats not on the cards.

Ooooh, i do love how the scandal of the CTRA going down keeps giving us good ideas! :P
Don't worry Jakg I know

But it's like a home from home
Quote from sam :With a bit of luck, we'll be able to take a few hours to enjoy some other servers too and have a race with you guys, leaving the admining to someone else. That idea's got some real appeal!

Yeah well it sounds like a good idea on paper, but who's going to teach all these jobless admins how to drive??

Well i've almost got my head around the SQL problems, I need to do a little restructuring.

On the plus side the new $track command is really cool, and will help you plan race strategy on longer races, and will reduce one of the most commonly asked questions.