Plz i need help, installing XP prob
Hi, this will be my new pc withing a few weeks is it good to play mid-end games?

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GFX card is a Intel GMA 3000 oboard or smthn (256mb not shared with RAM)
so will it be good..tell me

ahyea on my B-day it will become a GeForce 8600GTS
not with that graphics card
With Intel GMA 3000, no. With GF8600GTS, yes.
Very Close to my spec
#5 - Jakg
Nice links!

IMO - Get an E4300 and a cheaper mobo, and get a flaming gfx card - i'd also pick up more memory and a more reliable PSU, too
I've got an Asus P5B-E in this box and it's a nice little board. I would want 2Gb of RAM though.
Scrabby.Whats your budget in EURO?
Also the links dont work for me.
I'd get a pretty cheap pair of DDR2 800 1GB's (2GB total), it will be useful in the future.
What about this one(please see attached picture).
Its 607euro and I think pretty good balanced.CPU is on pair with E6300.

I would threw another 200-300 Euros more thought.
Attached images
PC 600Euro.gif
hmm AMD one is out of choice for me as if u would see me do FPS games it would die quick, i guess im going for the 488€ one with the intel 6300 as it is quite fast and later on im gonna buy more ram and a GeForce 8600GTS anywayz....

so it will be a good machine though

Congratulations dude, everything seems nice but at least get a offboard GFX like mines hehe, it will make big difference, if not possible get

I also got new rig today, its

amd 4600 dualcore (65nm!)
gfx 8600gt XFX
asus m2n sli
1gb kingston ddr2-667 (soon to be 2gb)
thermaltake pure power 430w

No HDD so far haha, but well parts did not arrive yet ->im going nuts cant wait
#14 - Ziil
Umm in games the difference between the AMD 4600 and Intels 6300 will be like 1-3FPS the 6300 will be faster in encoding and such but games will be the same you will not notice any difference.
#15 - Jakg
in LFS there will be a BIG differerence Ziil, it's a faster CPU and LFS is CPU limited at the start
Quote from Jakg :LFS is CPU limited at the start

i still think this is not true in any way
#17 - Ziil
Well LFS maybe yes ( I lack the $$ to do testing myself )But Scrabby was talking about FPS games and in most todays FPS you will not get pretty much any difference in frames with those 2 cpu's or I misunderstood something here, sometimes I'm slow

I R speshel
But its true that LFS is cpu limited, i know because i went from 1.6ghz to 950mhz on same computer and the difference in FPS on LFS is huge, before i could get 33-36 at some parts, now it doesnt go any further than 22 while playing, well it have been 4 years of LFS with AWFUL fps and Snes graphics lol.
start an ai race with 20 ais and watch the starting grid from cockpit view from 1st grid postition and then from the last ai on the grid and see if thats cpu limited
dude i believe its a mix of both, gfx and cpu, but im quite sure that cpu can also limit FPS .. and you kidding me, 20 cars, here lfs would crash or lock with half of that.
LFS is highly CPU limited.No doubt about it.

I have quick prove.When I set resolution to 640*480 and check FPS and then put it 1280*1024 it gives me still same FPS.Doesnt matter if I overclokc my graphic card on the core by 100Mhz and memory by 200Mhz(7900GT).Also FPS are not affected by AA+AF at all on my card.In the second I overclock the CPU core from 2Ghz to 2.4Ghz(AMD A64 3200+) the FPS raise a lot.

my example above works as well for 20Ai.

Also HL2 is very known as CPU limited game and the difference is very minimal between E6300 and X2 4600+. ... ay/core2duo-shootout.html
Indeed great proof, its same here, doesnt matter if i use 640x480 or 800x600 it doesnt make any diference, i guess thats it :P
as i said at my b-day im getting a 8600GTS if i have more money ill take a better one, so no worries peeps, and he 1-3FPS is a difference :P, plus AMD might die if i game on the comming LANParty were im going to so i dont want that to happen to, Intel atleasts "controls" its self
so bye :P

Kevin A.K.A Scrabby A.K.A PyroFish (if u see me somwere in FPS games )
AMD might die Intel control it self.
sorry to say it....LOL....where did you read that.AMD control itself as well.A64 processors have simillar powersaving features like C2D processors.
#25 - Jakg
People still seem to think that AMD's run hotter than P4's for some reason. There are some real PC fallacies that just keep getting perpetuated (like the "you only see at 30 fps" one)