The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from oldnavy :whats is PitBoard?

and one more question. I saw an untility witch PB.txt convert to nice Table. Can anyone give my adres of this website?

Thanks for hellp

Pitboard is a application within LFS Lapper (developed by Gai-Luron) to display a pitboard on screen to see your lap- and sectortimes. If you want to see how it looks like, just go to: [R-R]-Public demo

I think your talking about my page to clean the PB-file.
Then go to:
Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Cool was waiting for your release of it Yisc[NL].

But have kinda a problem installing it. Wasn't it just copy/paste at the bottom of the Lapper config file after Overriding ?

For some reasons it does not work here.

Also there are two sections of

# Event triggered when lapper start

One originally made by Gai, and the one at the bottom. Which one to use ? Any hint would be appreciated.

And thx in advance for it!


No no, I wrote that you have to copy/past it into the right section of LFS-Lapper.
So the first part has to go in the "Event triggered when lapper start" section.
Sub OnConnectClose() until Sub Pitboard_spl4() has to go in the "Connect" section
The next two parts are obvious where they go (Splitting and SPB Splitting section)
Register MsgAction("!config",Config); has to go in Action section
Ah great....thx guess its working now.

Now lets say i want the pitboard message the only msg that pops up. Which entries i have to delete of the original lapper script ?

For example, i do not want to have the "accept" and "deny" button if someone joins. I tried it with "#" in front of the words in that section, but in that case the lapper wont even start when i do this.

So in general, is it possible to have a "welcome to LFS Lapper" blabla....msg disappears after maybe 10 seconds...and then the pitboard config starts automatically ?

Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Ah great....thx guess its working now.

Now lets say i want the pitboard message the only msg that pops up. Which entries i have to delete of the original lapper script ?

For example, i do not want to have the "accept" and "deny" button if someone joins. I tried it with "#" in front of the words in that section, but in that case the lapper wont even start when i do this.

So in general, is it possible to have a "welcome to LFS Lapper" blabla....msg disappears after maybe 10 seconds...and then the pitboard config starts automatically ?


Closing the welcome message is possible, just give every button a 10sec before close value.


Close on click because value is set to -1
openPrivButton( "close",80,115,20,5,10,-1,16,"^2Accept",OnConnectClose );

Close after 10 seconds because value is set to 10
openPrivButton( "close",80,115,20,5,10,10,16,"^2Accept",OnConnectClose );

I've tried to open the config-file after that, but can't get it to work right now.
Maybe in a future version of Lapper it would be possible to go to a subevent when a button closes after X time.
Thx Yisc. So last thing can i get the lapper to start the Pitboard config instead of the lapper welcome msg after connection to the server ?

I tried to delete the whole welcome section, but lapper doesnt start then.


Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Thx Yisc. So last thing can i get the lapper to start the Pitboard config instead of the lapper welcome msg after connection to the server ?

I tried to delete the whole welcome section, but lapper doesnt start then.



Change the OnConnect section to:

Event OnConnect()
openPrivButton( "config_bg",50,50,100,56,5,-1,32,"" );
openPrivButton( "config_title",51,51,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3Configure pitboard^8" );
openPrivButton( "config_title_2",51,56,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3V1.31^8" );
openPrivButton( "position_1a",51,61,15,5,5,-1,64,"Position:" );
openPrivButton( "position_1b",67,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"^2Left^8",Pitboard_left );
openPrivButton( "position_1c",78,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"Right",Pitboard_right );
openPrivButton( "position_1d",89,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"Off",Pitboard_off );
openPrivButton( "height_1a",51,67,15,5,5,-1,64,"Height:" );
openPrivButton( "height_1b",67,67,10,5,5,-1,16,"^2High^8",Pitboard_high );
openPrivButton( "height_1c",78,67,10,5,5,-1,16,"Low",Pitboard_low );
openPrivButton( "split_1a",51,73,15,5,5,-1,64,"Splits:" );
openPrivButton( "split_1b",67,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"2",Pitboard_spl2 );
openPrivButton( "split_1c",78,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"^23^8",Pitboard_spl3 );
openPrivButton( "split_1d",89,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"4",Pitboard_spl4 );
openPrivButton( "new",51,83,98,5,5,-1,64,"^3V1.31: Small bug corrected" );
openPrivButton( "config_close_a",94,100,10,5,5,-1,16,"CLOSE",Config_close_b );

And delete the Sub OnConnectClose() section.
Pitboard V1.31 released
Found a tiny bug in version 1.3 so now there is version 1.31
The following lines have been changed:


Sub OnConnectClose()
openPrivButton( "config_title_2",51,56,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3V1.3^8" );
openPrivButton( "new",51,83,98,5,5,-1,64,"^3V1.3: ...some text..." );

SPB Splitting section
IF( $isBestSectorSplit1 == 1 )
$color = "^2";
$color = "^1";

IF( $isBestSectorSplit2 == 1 )
$color = "^2";
$color = "^1";

IF( $isBestSectorSplit3 == 1 )
$color = "^2";
$color = "^1";

IF( $isBestSectorSplitLast == 1 )
$color = "^2";
$color = "^1";

Register MsgAction("!config",Config);
Sub Config()
openPrivButton( "config_title_2",51,56,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3V1.31^8" );

Sub OnConnectClose()
openPrivButton( "config_title_2",51,56,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3V1.31^8" );
openPrivButton( "new",51,83,98,5,5,-1,64,"^3V1.31: Small bug corrected" );

SPB Splitting section
IF( $SectorSplit1 < $BestSectorSplit1 )
$color = "^2";
IF( $SectorSplit1 == $BestSectorSplit1 )
$color = "^3";
$color = "^1";

IF( $SectorSplit2 < $BestSectorSplit2 )
$color = "^2";
IF( $SectorSplit2 == $BestSectorSplit2 )
$color = "^3";
$color = "^1";

IF( $SectorSplit3 < $BestSectorSplit3 )
$color = "^2";
IF( $SectorSplit3 == $BestSectorSplit3 )
$color = "^3";
$color = "^1";

IF( $SectorSplitLast < $BestSectorSplitLast )
$color = "^2";
IF( $SectorSplitLast == $BestSectorSplitLast )
$color = "^3";
$color = "^1";

Register MsgAction("!config",Config);
Sub Config()
openPrivButton( "config_title_2",51,56,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3V1.31^8" );

Thx for your help Yisc! I didn't manage to get it working today....think i have to start from my old Lapper file from the beginning.

But tomorrow earliest.


Quote from KassadGLA :El server de mi ekipo esta totalmente en español sin tener ningún problema, incluso añadimos la web del ekipo en donde pone !ver


Add me on the MSN, you can see it in my profile. I need to talk with you to receive help :P
I've been trying to get a button working in the "Race Action" section but didn't succeed. The intention was to show some text onscreen which just sits there continuously. I finally made it work by means of a cmdLFS which enters a lappercommand that executes a sub with the button, but that's in fact a workaround..
Might this be a limitation of the possibilities in this section?
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :I've been trying to get a button working in the "Race Action" section but didn't succeed. The intention was to show some text onscreen which just sits there continuously. I finally made it work by means of a cmdLFS which enters a lappercommand that executes a sub with the button, but that's in fact a workaround..
Might this be a limitation of the possibilities in this section?

It is a limitation in that section
When Gai-Luron has some spare time I have lot's of bugs/requests for him to change/add to Lapper
ok i'm gettin kinda pissed now:
InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password

i already changed the password in the .lpr (there isn't any .cfg's aside from the track one but i don't think that's the problem.)

it IS the admin pass.

what's goin on and how do i fix it?
try a password like "test" for instance, i had a similar problem, because my password had numbers in it
another question. When i instal PitBoard and change Event OnConnect() a button disapear.What to do?

Thanks fot hellp again
Quote from DrachenxFire :ok i'm gettin kinda pissed now:
InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password

i already changed the password in the .lpr (there isn't any .cfg's aside from the track one but i don't think that's the problem.)

it IS the admin pass.

what's goin on and how do i fix it?

The admin password in the dedi and in LFSlapper must be the same.
You can use also numbers in it (works by me).

ps. the portnumbers must also the same

In your Dedi setup.cfg
// optional: admin password
/admin=your password

// optional: InSim port

And in LFSLapper.lpr
#General options #
$Port = 29995; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server
$Password = "your password"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server
Quote from oldnavy :another question. When i instal PitBoard and change Event OnConnect() a button disapear.What to do?

Thanks fot hellp again

That's probably caused by using the same button-id twice.
When the second button with that ID pops up, the first one is closed.
Quote from oldnavy :another question. When i instal PitBoard and change Event OnConnect() a button disapear.What to do?

Thanks fot hellp again

Show your LFSLapper.lpr or some part's from it so i can look at it.

Edit: Or look at the reply from Yisc . he was a bit faster lol
Sub OnConnectClose()
openPrivButton( "config_bg",50,50,100,56,5,-1,32,"" );
openPrivButton( "config_title",51,51,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3Configure pitboard^8" );
openPrivButton( "config_title_2",51,56,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3V1.3^8" );
openPrivButton( "position_1a",51,61,15,5,5,-1,64,"Position:" );
openPrivButton( "position_1b",67,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"^2Left^8",Pitboard_left );
openPrivButton( "position_1c",78,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"Right",Pitboard_right );
openPrivButton( "position_1d",89,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"Off",Pitboard_off );
openPrivButton( "height_1a",51,67,15,5,5,-1,64,"Height:" );
openPrivButton( "height_1b",67,67,10,5,5,-1,16,"^2High^8",Pitboard_high );
openPrivButton( "height_1c",78,67,10,5,5,-1,16,"Low",Pitboard_low );
openPrivButton( "split_1a",51,73,15,5,5,-1,64,"Splits:" );
openPrivButton( "split_1b",67,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"2",Pitboard_spl2 );
openPrivButton( "split_1c",78,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"^23^8",Pitboard_spl3 );
openPrivButton( "split_1d",89,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"4",Pitboard_spl4 );
openPrivButton( "new",51,83,98,5,5,-1,64,"^3V1.3: Pitboard can now be set to the rightside of the screen" );
openPrivButton( "config_close_a",94,100,10,5,5,-1,16,"CLOSE",Config_close_b );
Sub OnConnectClose()
openGlobalButton( "logo",20,0,20,4,4,-1,0,"^7Your Text" );
Sub Config_close_b() closePrivButton("config_bg&config_title&config_title_2&position_1a&position_1b&position_1c&position_1d&height_1a&height_1b&height_1c&split_1a&split_1b&split_1c&split_1d&new&config_close_a");

Try something like this.
There was 2 times a Sub OnConnectClose() and i changed your first line closePrivButton("welc&pos&clos&ref");

Sub OnConnectClose()
openPrivButton( "config_bg",50,50,100,56,5,-1,32,"" );
openPrivButton( "config_title",51,51,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3Configure pitboard^8" );
openPrivButton( "config_title_2",51,56,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3V1.3^8" );
openPrivButton( "position_1a",51,61,15,5,5,-1,64,"Position:" );
openPrivButton( "position_1b",67,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"^2Left^8",Pitboard_left );
openPrivButton( "position_1c",78,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"Right",Pitboard_right );
openPrivButton( "position_1d",89,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"Off",Pitboard_off );
openPrivButton( "height_1a",51,67,15,5,5,-1,64,"Height:" );
openPrivButton( "height_1b",67,67,10,5,5,-1,16,"^2High^8",Pitboard_high );
openPrivButton( "height_1c",78,67,10,5,5,-1,16,"Low",Pitboard_low );
openPrivButton( "split_1a",51,73,15,5,5,-1,64,"Splits:" );
openPrivButton( "split_1b",67,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"2",Pitboard_spl2 );
openPrivButton( "split_1c",78,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"^23^8",Pitboard_spl3 );
openPrivButton( "split_1d",89,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"4",Pitboard_spl4 );
openPrivButton( "new",51,83,98,5,5,-1,64,"^3V1.3: Pitboard can now be set to the rightside of the screen" );
openPrivButton( "config_close_a",94,100,10,5,5,-1,16,"CLOSE",Config_close_b );

Sub Config_close_b()
openGlobalButton( "logo",20,0,20,4,4,-1,0,"^7Your Text" );

now i wont get pit board configure and text dont apear. Any ideas?
Quote from oldnavy :now i wont get pit board configure and text dont apear. Any ideas?

Please upload your whole Lapper script so we can have a look at it.
Remember to remove passwords, PubstatID etc.
Quote from oldnavy :now i wont get pit board configure and text dont apear. Any ideas?

Did you removed your old Sub OnConnectClose() and other part's that are changed and replaced with the new one's?
I have changed file name to lapper.txt besauce LFSforum dont alow to uploud .lpr files
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 68.3 KB - 440 views
Quote from oldnavy :I have changed file name to lapper.txt besauce LFSforum dont alow to upload .lpr files

I've found the error.
In the On connect section you start with a Sub instead of an Event:


Sub OnConnectClose()


Event OnConnect()

And at the end of that section:





I also noticed you're missing several parts of the pitboard.

I've corrected all your code with the latest Lapper version (1.31) and uploaded it to the forum.
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 91.1 KB - 286 views
But still no text.
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )