Erm, so because i play LFS i'm poor (without bragging, i'm not exactly on the bread line, but i'm certainly not loaded as you seem to need to be to run your own Kart competitively). I'd also like to know how you work out that just because i play LFS i therefore have no driving skill...?
Oh no wait, your the guy who thought that all motorsport should be banned but the "fun stuff" (WRC) and that only 7-12 year olds kart, how could i forget! :doh:
Amen to that mr sam. Becky takes things far to seriously. It's always an attack on me or an attack on my work. Becky always takes the slightest criticism & turns it into an ATTACK! aarggghh run for the hills, sometimes she just comes across as an attention whoring drama queen.
Attack: "to try to hurt or defeat using violence, to criticize someone strongly"
Its not like they came around your house & whacked you. I think you love to kick up a fuss & put up a good fight. Now I must go, I have a shield to erect .
Ah dont worry. Once the X-System is finished i'll be gone and this sort of thing will be a thing of the past. Although I do wonder why i'm bothering with it at all sometimes.
Because if you didn't, you'd have to listen to about six UKCT people rolling about whinging and moaning about how our heads hurt, and how there should be another InSim packet, IS_HARD
I see where ajp71 is coming from. I think alot of people are saying :wtf2: to viewing figures like that. Look at the rest of the leauges in LFS and Sim Racing in general cannot come close to that! People are skeptical and will need proof, what proof I do not know. I think this proof is what ajp was asking for.
People don't believe anything until they see hard download facts.
@Sam I did think 1mil per race was a "bit" high when you said it hehe. I figured that number was a bit off. 100k sounds more like it! =)