The online racing simulator
1. We need a rewind feature in replay view BADLY! It will make things easier!

2. Smoother and more adjustable concrete would be very nice
Pitch-modulated collision sounds (scraping, tire skids etc.) depending by the speed of the collision. For example, tire skids at high speeds to have an high pitch compared to skids at slow speeds.
Parent-child feature in editor, when putting an object under another (not move up or down in list, just into parent object in hierarchy). For example, a pop up light mechanism, which has multiple different parts doing different things when opening. Parent will rotate and rotate the child object under it too, while child object is rotating or moving elsewhere. It could unlock more possibilities about pop ups or other mechanisms.
Didn't see this under general or controls, so here goes:

We (I) desperately need a "set bike upright" button that is different from the already existing reset.

Every time I make a little oopsie on a motorcycle I have to sit there and wait until everyone passes me by for no good reason at all (I'm either so far away from the racing line that resetting in position wouldn't cause any disruption or I'm on the racing line, completely static, [ruining] it up for everyone behind me rendering the whole point moot)

Basically I just want a feature that let's me set the bike upright in the same spot, as is, and keep riding preferably with the same tire temperatures.


Didn't find this suggested:

Remember selected camera view.

That is, if I have selected a camera view with "V", remember that choice in all the subsequent races/trainings.
Quote from ilkkah :Hi,

Didn't find this suggested:

Remember selected camera view.

That is, if I have selected a camera view with "V", remember that choice in all the subsequent races/trainings.

Good idea. Right now there is an option to set the default driver view in Options - View, but it's only limited to "in car" or "custom". It would be nice to also include other views like "follow" or "wheels".

By the way, you can create a new thread with your idea in this subforum rather than post in this thread. This is a thread for listing the most commonly asked suggestions.