two proofs of telepathy
(52 posts, started )
#1 - lerts
two proofs of telepathy
if you are about to cross someone who goes your opposite way if you dont look at his eyes you may crash with that person but if you look at that person eyes it wont happen

on the other hand flushing happens when you realize the other person knows something you are thinking which is embarrasing, again mind reading
I fail to see how that has anything to do with telepathy. Also... what on Earth is the second part? Hand flushing?

Knowing what someone is thinking is not telepathy, it's a guess. Most times you can tell just by the situation and body language. That is not telepathy.
Sorry. I made him write that post using my telepathic powers.
#5 - CSU1
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two proofs of telepathy

Lerts, This Is Your do you feel:camera: :feedtroll

jaysus I thought I was weird
Quote from lerts :if you are about to cross someone who goes your opposite way if you dont look at his eyes you may crash with that person but if you look at that person eyes it wont happen

if i look at them i usually end up jumping from leg to leg as we both try to avoid each other by going the same direction simultaneously

Quote from MAGGOT :Knowing what someone is thinking is not telepathy, it's a guess.

i usually assume the other person is too stupid to think on his own ... most of the time im correct
#8 - DeKo
Quote from MAGGOT :I fail to see how that has anything to do with telepathy. Also... what on Earth is the second part? Hand flushing?

Knowing what someone is thinking is not telepathy, it's a guess. Most times you can tell just by the situation and body language. That is not telepathy.

'On the other hand, blushing' it should have been. its all a load of bollocks though.
#9 - joen
your "proof" falls short. Proof (at least in my view) entails a way to scientifically explain something and then be able to reproduce the outcome. Unless you can tell me what I am thinking at a particular moment without being able to get any clues by body language or facial expression, I don't buy it.
Both proofs you wrote are explainable without telepathy, its more your brain interpretating unconscious signals of the other person, small movements of the eyes and stuff, maybe even pheromones, but no telepathy
I know, some years ago scientist said that we use only about 20% of our brains capability, but today one knows that we actually use everything
Quote from ACCAkut :we use only about 20% of our brains capability, but today one knows that we actually use everything

From what I've read, both are true. At any given time we only use about 10-20% of our full capacity, but we do use our entire brains; just not at the same time. Different parts of the brain are for different things

..or something.
Quote from MAGGOT :From what I've read, both are true. At any given time we only use about 10-20% of our full capacity, but we do use our entire brains; just not at the same time. Different parts of the brain are for different things

..or something.

You're right, but I meant that scientist thought that like 80% are never used
Quote from lerts :on the other hand flushing happens when you realize the other person knows something you are thinking which is embarrasing, again mind reading

That isn't mind reading, that is understanding emotions.
Being flushed is a physical emotion, and also are different tones in voice, those are all understandable traits, those aren't proofs of understanding what is going on in someone's mind. It is possible to make assumptions, but that isn't knowing what someone is thinking.
Looking at another person is probably a good technique to learn if you don't want to crash into them. But I'm sure you're picking up more than an eye signal. They're most likely communicating through their body language the direction they're about to go in. And really, both parties can still get confused. You ever stepped to the right as the other person stepped to the left, then stepped back to the left as the other person stepped back to the right? And so forth? And then just stopping and waiting for the other person to make their move? As they stopped waiting for you etc... ?

I reckon blushing is more of an automatic way to communicate to someone else what you're thinking, not them mysteriously picking your thoughts out of the ether, or something like that. Or it's you catching yourself thinking about something which is embarrassing or shameful to you, and feeling guilty about it in the presence of others, who you assume know what you're thinking about because you haven't been careful in guarding your true intentions. I used to blush infrequently when I was younger, it can be such a powerful thing which can overcome a person, especially when you're young.
lerts, spammer of the year. Congratulations.

Reading body language & facial expression are human instincts. Everyone can do it from the time they're tiny babies. There are a thousand little clues in a person's physical behaviour that can lead an observer to a conclusion about their intentions, honesty or physical or emotional state, but to know their exact thoughts is another thing entirely. For all I know, telepathy may indeed exist - but reading body language isn't it.

In the future, when you decide to come and post some more "proof", please make it a little more convincing than two unpuncutated sentences. "Proof" is something that can be tested, verified, confirmed, repeated, demonstrated. Your assumptions don't prove anything.
Another classic contribution to the forum, Lerts. thanks for your stunning insight into the mysteries of the human mind.

Maybe you need to understand a bit more about the meaning of the word 'Proof'.
Yeah, Lerts... it's getting a little bit tiresome. Sorry. Your themes are all like party tricks of the mind or something. All woooo, without any real magic.

If you wanna delve into the wonders and awesomeness of the universe, why don't you become a coleopterist or something...?
Quote from wheel4hummer :Not nessasarily...

Sure it is, its the brain's reaction. So is feinting, if to much of something goes through the brain it will shut down to protect itself. Blushing is basically the same thing whether you have control over it or not, its human reaction. In the end, it isn't reading someone's mind.

For example: Someone feints, and you think.. I knew that was going to happen. Did you? From past experiences of knowing the person that feinted has feinted in similar circumstances, yes that may be true, but if you didn't know that person, they could have feinted without you knowing it was going to happen or not.

Akin to deja vues. Deja vues according to physical therapist books is the misfiring of neurons which triggers your brain into believing you have seen it before but in fact you've never seen it in your entire life. It's mind games, you may think you know something but you don't, it is instead possibly a repeat of something that has happened again in similar circumstances and similar other aspects, so your mind fools you into believing that you've experienced this before even though you haven't before.

In all sense, mind-reading is impossible. Some may blame the American government (lol), but it isn't true, and I don't believe we will ever (certainly not in my time at least) be able to read minds using machines. We can review electrical output of the nerves, but that doesn't say anything at all as to what someone is thinking. Hence lie detector tests. You know that flushed feeling you get when you lie and how you start to heat up inside? That is all of the electricity running through your nerves, which is what sets lie detector tests off. Typically when you lie, it takes longer, and your whole body tends to react saying "that so is not true," and because of that, some people have a hard time to control their physical emotions when they lie. For some people it is possible to hide their emotions and lie all they want about serious topics without ever being caught.

Hence gambling.

But I'll stop here
I've heard an interesting theory about deja vu (since it's been mentioned). It rests on the premise that an experience passes through your conscious mind first, then rests in the subconscious as memory. The theory states that when "deja vu" happens it's because, for some inexplicable reason, the experience you are having at that moment is bypassing your conscious mind and going straight to the memory centres in your subconscious. Because the perception of your current experience is coming from your subconscious mind, you actually think you're remembering it as opposed to experiencing it directly, right then and there. In other words, instead of your mind saying "this is happening to me right now", it's saying "this happened before". You think you recall "foreseeing" the event, but actually you're just "remembering" it as it happens

Quite a compelling theory imho (and not just because it eliminates telepathy as a possibility)
I read that too in some popular science book by a well-respected neurologist. For me it's the best and most plausible explanation for that deja vu feeling, which lifts it from the pseudo-science mumbo jumbo 'proof' rubbish of Lert's fantasies to a reasonable explanation of a common phenomenon.

I'm sure I said that before somewhere....

Oh, XCN: FEINT = a movement made in order to deceive an adversary; an attack aimed at one place or point merely as a distraction from the real place or point of attack
FAINT = a temporary loss of consciousness resulting from a decreased flow of blood to the brain.
I certainly get deja vu every time I see a new thread from the OP ... no, wait, that's nausea.
#23 - col
I CAN project my thoughts from my brain to another brain !
Using some special internal organs (that have to be trained from a very early age), I can focus energy to vibrate atomic particles in the atmosphere and use them to channel my thoughts in a way that allows others with similarly developed skills to READ MY MIND !!

(otherwise known as talking)

Quote from al heeley :Oh, XCN: FEINT = a movement made in order to deceive an adversary; an attack aimed at one place or point merely as a distraction from the real place or point of attack
FAINT = a temporary loss of consciousness resulting from a decreased flow of blood to the brain.

..I knew I was spelling it right the first time...

I spelled it faint the first time then did feint and I was sitting there and I know what feinting is now that I think about it... I hate those moments.

Oh well, what can you do.
Quote from XCNuse :...Oh well, what can you do. but only if you're really sad

two proofs of telepathy
(52 posts, started )