Hi guys,
Well been wanting to make a FO8 skin for a while know and thanks to a few kind people (Bunta,RobbyMac,Al Healey to name but a few)
Here is my first attemp at a FO8 skin.
Its a team skin, and as such we do nto want any 'real world' sponsers, hence the use of the LFS Party Pack and Al Healey's sponsers all through MAster-skinners.
Any how, i'm kind of wondering what thought people had on the skin, obviously it is using ZWR Team Colours, but i'm not completely happy with the sponsers size and positioning, particulalry down the length of the nose, i think its crying out for a 'Title' Sponser, but not sure what...
anyone got any ideas??
I've included the skin file, but please people remember that it is a private team skin that it is, so please use it in your viewer, but not use in online
Viewer Image
http://i7.photobucket.com/albu ... stintime4t/DruZWRWIP3.jpg
In game screenies
http://i7.photobucket.com/albu ... ustintime4t/DruZWRWIP.jpg
http://i7.photobucket.com/albu ... stintime4t/DruZWRWIP2.jpg
and the skin file is also attached
Thanks in advance for any comments/critasim/suggestions/help etc etc
Dru - a would be skinner
Well been wanting to make a FO8 skin for a while know and thanks to a few kind people (Bunta,RobbyMac,Al Healey to name but a few)
Here is my first attemp at a FO8 skin.
Its a team skin, and as such we do nto want any 'real world' sponsers, hence the use of the LFS Party Pack and Al Healey's sponsers all through MAster-skinners.
Any how, i'm kind of wondering what thought people had on the skin, obviously it is using ZWR Team Colours, but i'm not completely happy with the sponsers size and positioning, particulalry down the length of the nose, i think its crying out for a 'Title' Sponser, but not sure what...
anyone got any ideas??
I've included the skin file, but please people remember that it is a private team skin that it is, so please use it in your viewer, but not use in online

Viewer Image
http://i7.photobucket.com/albu ... stintime4t/DruZWRWIP3.jpg
In game screenies
http://i7.photobucket.com/albu ... ustintime4t/DruZWRWIP.jpg
http://i7.photobucket.com/albu ... stintime4t/DruZWRWIP2.jpg
and the skin file is also attached
Thanks in advance for any comments/critasim/suggestions/help etc etc
Dru - a would be skinner