Up to where there has come Life For Speed to my!!
Hello I appear, am called Alfonso though my nick is A Cookie, am of Cadiz (Spain - Andalusia). I take playing this great malingerer 6 months and the truth that I am very very satisfied with him(it). Before it(he,she) was the whole day in the street and since I have the game, buy me the Driving Force Pro and then Gentle G25. I am a component of the Great equipment(team) SG of the international league:
Http: // ligainternacional.info/foro/index.php
Good so(then,since) it that since I knew LFS my life has changed. I know muchisima people the one that is charmed with the world of the engine and amuse myself muchisimo playing, it is a passion.
Now I put a few fotillos mias and a few photos of the great sticker that I have put to the car, it(he,she) made her to me a friend, in color silver and to measurement...

A greeting to all!!!

I sit(feel) if not this one very well written, but there is that I have used a translator of an Internet page, since my English vocabulary is not very good.
Great sticker!

I am sorry LFS has made you become a malingerer.

Some good advertisement there!

Didn't quite make out some bits as translators are crap, but it's nice to see you taking the effort to post in a language that you cannot speak.

Very nice car to BTW, Allways liked those Hyundai's.
Aah, that's lovely, some great babelfish moments and welcome to the community!

Quote :I am charmed with the world of the engine

And so I disappear.
mitsufumi ?

sry had to be done

anyhoo nice stuffed animals
JAJAJA el Galleta!, maestro! , yo quiero una sitcker de esas tio!
Nice sticker and have a lot of fun, maricona
Anda tio el freaky que eres no? Viendo tu habitacion supongo que el coche te lo compraron tus padres.

Good effort posting this in english'ish, keep improving your english skills
Welcome to the community

Very nice car sticker too I want one!
Bienvenido a LFS!!

Tu habitación mola
I want your stuffed animals, your G25, and your Hyundai.

/end Terminator ripoff

Welcome to LFS, nice sticker
Thanks to all for the welcome!
I wait to continue writing hereabouts, which happens(passes) is that I have to be using the translator to read your messages.
It(He,She) has made her(it) to my me a friend who devotes himself is necessary to do stickers in vinyl, I said the measures and the color to him(her).
Thank you very much and regards to all.

Life for Speed Foreveeer!!!!
You look well. But I see you on a rece, jejejejeje. Try to pass me.
welcome to the lfs community , say goodbye to your social life
Bemvindo a LFS! (I know, that's Portuguese, it's the closest I could think of).

I like that sticker - how much extra horsepower does it give you?
Galleta,,, te acuerdas de mi?!?!?! jajajajajaja bienvenido a el foro ........yy chido carro
Live for Speed - Online Racing Malingerer

mis espanyola non grande ... mis amor live for speed mucho grande
... Becky, watch how it's done. Canadians speaking spanish, Say What!?

Me gusta Live for Speed. Està muchos bello et brilliante.

That's all I can remember from last year. I hope the Spaniards don't kill me for bastardizing Spanish
I AM GREAT CORNHOLIO! I need teepee for my bunghole.

That gives great happiness for have that teepee as community beacon in conference. I have mobility paper charisma to give have yes.

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Bienvenida a esta comunidad!

Spanish Power!
Jojo eso eso sempre femeninaa