Well, I host a podcast called Race Tech Radio with Justin Hryciw (Anorexicpillow) that discusses the latest news in racing and technology. However, for the next few weeks, Justin will not be available to record the show with me, therefore I am looking for a replacement host. This host will make the show with me for the period of time Justin will be away, and may continue afterwards, if they wish, if we decide to have a 3rd host (which could be fun).
So if you have decent knowledge in racing- and technology-related stuff, hold a decent amount of professionalism for fun podcasting, wishes to have fun, and therefore fill in for this position, then don't hesitate to contact me.
Basic requirements:
- Speak english
- Have Skype
- Shows are released on Wednesdays, recording on Tuesday or Wed. night 6-7-ish-ET.
Well, I host a podcast called Race Tech Radio with Justin Hryciw (Anorexicpillow) that discusses the latest news in racing and technology. However, for the next few weeks, Justin will not be available to record the show with me, therefore I am looking for a replacement host. This host will make the show with me for the period of time Justin will be away, and may continue afterwards, if they wish, if we decide to have a 3rd host (which could be fun).
So if you have decent knowledge in racing- and technology-related stuff, hold a decent amount of professionalism for fun podcasting, wishes to have fun, and therefore fill in for this position, then don't hesitate to contact me.
Basic requirements:
- Speak english
- Have Skype
- Shows are released on Wednesdays, recording on Tuesday or Wed. night 6-7-ish-ET.