CoRe Racing info thread
(1499 posts, started )
grats, especially to andris.
Grats guys!
Getting a small Finnish army now. Good grab with Andro aswell.

Wohoo big reinforcement, pace wise it is looking like the Core’s are coming back where they belong!! \o/

Grats to all!!
Grats and good luck guys!!

I seem to have missed something
Congratulations :PP
Yeah. we thought it would be good to expand to reallife racing since we have a few rl racers here in team. :P
Quote from kiste :yeah. We thought it would be good to expand to reallife racing since we have a few rl racers here in team.

Nice job on the painting there Kiste, you gonna win best skinner of ALMS this year fo sho! And is that Ben or Correy driving?
Presenting the current CoRe Racing LFS lineup (as of 2/11/12):
00 CoRe R.Santos (Puzzle)
02 CoRe A.Araújo (A. Araujo)
04 CoRe A.Falck (MonkeyHead)
07 CoRe J.Christensen (jensbrix)
08 CoRe J.Telkkälä (Iginla)
10 CoRe P.Santos (BSantos)
11 CoRe D.Nikolin (RRT RabbiT)
15 CoRe M.Paluch (FireMike15)
16 CoRe A.Pavars (andRo.)
17 CoRe A.Chiodini (RiGun)
18 CoRe K.Piropo (KaiqueBRA)
20 CoRe T.Lähteenmäki (FL4SH-)
21 CoRe L.Barbosa (Zero_0)
22 CoRe D.Ramos (locovich)
27 CoRe P.Villeneuve (PhilS13)
29 CoRe C.Kistner (co-manager) (kiste)
31 CoRe T.Suninen (marakattimax)
33 CoRe B.Keough (co-manager) (DeadWolfBones)
34 CoRe S.Plutta (Pludda)
38 CoRe A.Ristić (Vugl@)
44 CoRe S.Anttonen (_coca-cola_)
42 CoRe C.Green (rcpilot)
56 CoRe L.Baker (co-manager) (Banshee56)
63 CoRe S.Schwer (PowerSocke)
66 CoRe T.Tossavainen (Naamavelli)
69 CoRe I.Todorović (ivantod)
79 CoRe K.Malcomson (B11TME)
86 CoRe M.Saidl (Drift King CZ)
89 CoRe R.Osza (Töki (HUN))
95 CoRe M.Neiva (bacabinha)
96 CoRe I.Juusela (Ilbens)
99 CoRe F.Enersen (audimasta)

this nation core racing
Quote from juliao :lol
presenting the current core racing lfs lineup (as of 2/11/12):
00 core r.santos (puzzle)
02 core a.araújo (a. Araujo)
04 core a.falck (monkeyhead)
07 core j.christensen (jensbrix)
08 core j.telkkälä (iginla)
10 core p.santos (bsantos)
11 core d.nikolin (rrt rabbit)
15 core m.paluch (firemike15)
16 core a.pavars (andro.)
17 core a.chiodini (rigun)
18 core k.piropo (kaiquebra)
20 core t.lähteenmäki (fl4sh-)
21 core l.barbosa (zero_0)
22 core d.ramos (locovich)
27 core p.villeneuve (phils13)
29 core c.kistner (co-manager) (kiste)
31 core t.suninen (marakattimax)
33 core b.keough (co-manager) (deadwolfbones)
34 core s.plutta (pludda)
38 core a.ristić (vugl@)
44 core s.anttonen (_coca-cola_)
42 core (rcpilot)
56 core l.baker (co-manager) (banshee56)
63 core s.schwer (powersocke)
66 core t.tossavainen (naamavelli)
69 core i.todorović (ivantod)
79 core k.malcomson (b11tme)
86 core m.saidl (drift king cz)
89 core r.osza (töki (hun))
95 core m.neiva (bacabinha)
96 core i.juusela (ilbens)
99 core f.enersen (audimasta)

this nation core racing

+1 :d
Quote from prOmo_LTU :Nice job on the painting there Kiste, you gonna win best skinner of ALMS this year fo sho! And is that Ben or Correy driving?

Must've been Corey, Ben is too old and well fed to fit in that thing
I've trained myself so well to capitalize CoRe "correctly" that I actually do that whenever I write Corey's name. :|
The Finnish Invasion Continues at CoRe Racing!

Today CoRe is pleased to welcome another young Finn, Valtteri "Emyn" Pitkänen, to the team. Valtteri is 15 years old and hails from the town of Kerava, just outside Helsinki. He's been playing LFS for a couple years now, and has thus far only been in two other teams: DRUNK (like all good Finns!) and My3id Gaming. We're hoping CoRe is his last stop. He's quick as hell in the GTRs, having raced in many endurance leagues, and he recently put in a great drive in the Vortex Racing entry for the GT2WS 6 Hours of Fern Bay Black, teaming with fellow CoRe driver Toni L. When he's not driving, Valtteri likes to play football, the drums, and other computer games, or spend time with his friends. He'll be driving with the name CoRe V.Pitkänen and the number 03. Welcome to the team, Valtteri!
Welcome to the family, Valtteri!
The Finnish army strengthens.
Tervetuloa Bottas
Welcome Valtteri!

CoRe Racing info thread
(1499 posts, started )