The online racing simulator
I still want my white acrylic plastic XFR thanks.
Personally I'd rather have the in-car temp guage showing engine temperature. Which is supposed to be on the cards already, isn't it?

In-game stuff should give you in-game information. Besides, having to run yet another check on something would surely use up more CPU time and therefor put more stress on your processor than now.

If you really need live access to CPU temps that urgently, I'd suggest a better heatsink/fan and Motherboard Monitor for your system tray.
there are external programs to monitor this,

LFS is a game not a motherboard utility..
How about another keypress, when you hold it down, all the dials switch over to non-car related readouts, like fps, cpu temp(?) , packet loss/lag, and so on (can't think of anything else). Then you release the key, and it all goes back to the ingame readouts?

-1 really.
So, for the people who disagreed about my idea, what is your opinion on some of the cars with the gauge that shows FPS? I mean, this game is a simulation, right? How many real world vehicles have a FPS-o-meter?

Or in other words, "there are external programs to monitor this" So if LFS came with this feature of monitoring frmaes per second...which it is okay, but something similar, like having the option to either monitor in car engine temperature or CPU temperature is rather senseless?

I've actually never looked at a CPU temp read-out when doing anything taxing, (like playing LFS?) so I don't know how much the temperature is really fluctuating. GPU temp could be handy sometimes for some games but not for LFS, at present anyway.

I shouldn't have put -1 actually, more like 'meh'. It probably comes down to a personal taste thing where you want to be reminded or don't want to be reminded that you're driving a computer generated car.
- 1 , This is a driving simulation, whats that strange idea?...
#33 - JTbo
Quote from Slopi :Water doesn't scream

Edit: Unless of course, it comes to a boil...

Correct, that is why we would like to see _water_ temp gauge, so we can monitor our cooling water temp. Also that is more close to how car's temp gauge works