The online racing simulator
Autocross layout not working...
Ok i tried to make a layout and i accidentaly pressed a button that got rid of all of my objects and that (everything you use to make a layout) all it shows when i press shift+f is the time and some other numbers. Can you tell me what button did this?

Thanks 1995cobraR
Can someone help me out? I havnt even seen one more view than my own. plz help.
#3 - troy
uhm, shift+f only hides and shows infos like lap, time, fps and so on
if you want to get in the autocross editor you need to press shift+u
I do that and all it shows is the track. No objects to place or noting but the numbers in the corners.
#5 - troy
aaah then you probably hit space accidentally? hit shift+u and then space again and your menu should be back
Thanks Troy! That was the problem!