How much FOV?
(55 posts, started )

Poll : How much FOV do you use?

How much FOV?
hi guys....i was just wondering, with this new forced cockpit view, i really cant drive. So i just wanted a bit of help, please vote in the poll truthfully, on what FOV, you use. I drive with a wheel...Thanks
65-70 depending on car,

this forced cockpit veiw option this months LX compo servers are using , has encouraged me to use the cp view more often, and after a little while when I get in the zone I don't even notice what view I'm in my cp times are improving

I like to use default 90 deg I think it is.
160? ok....thanks Niko
#5 - DeKo
Quote from harjun :160? ok....thanks Niko

2 or 3 monitors, im guessing. NIko is just showing off.

I use 80, most of the time, although with this latest competition ive been pulling that back a bit so i can see where the other side of the car is exactly.
I am a high-fov guru, played Quake2 at 130FOV all the time and i owned that game pretty much the time being. Downside is center of screen seems to get further away from u, but in terms of viewangle u gain lots of information from your surroundings.

Nowadays i realise 130fov is a bit too extreme, although when using it for some time its like your eyes are getting used to such a view and it seems all flat again. When going back to 80 at that point its like your face is smashed onto the windscreen and all other cars are dangerously close in your path.

Nevertheless, i got used to 100fov now but i use a custom incar view which is quite the same as the main incar view. I only positioned the seat a bit to the front to compensate on the FOV and raised it a little up to get a better look on the bends. To me this looks more realistic and gives me a better sense of speed. I also put the wheel and hands off.

I play FOX on ASCLUB a lot, and i noticed that on the chicane after T1 u can't look into the chicane when using a low fov setting (default fov). It's as if the turn is not there which makes it very hard. It also feels like a big bend all of a sudden, as if you have to turn left en right with much effort, but when using a higher FOV it suddenly turns into an 'almost' straight line where only the slightest degree of turn is enough to make u get thru. I also notice many not so experienced players take that chicane as a BEND, lots of LEFT-RIGHT steering instead of a straight line which could be related to FOV setting. U need to aim at the bit of grass alongside the tirestack there and drive over the grass almost hitting the tires. When passing the grass u need to go as straight as possible to prevent any form of sliding on the grass. With default fov i myself can't get this turn right anymore because i can't aim at this part of the track, its out of my viewrange which is stupid because in real-life u definately would see that.

So my statement should be clear, on 4:3 single monitor setups, use a higher fov setting to compensate on the loss of visual sight. A 3 monitor setup could do with a lot less. But still when using more monitors it seems the fov needs to be set higher to get the same result, so probably the viewrange is already dispersed over more screens, making 160fov on a two 4:3 screen setup like "2xfov80" which makes sense in some way. So in that case 160fov is actually like the default fov setting.
115° and judging by the poll so far, I am the only one...

...Am I ubber leet, or ubber noob? I want a serious answer, regarding FOV not generally
Attached images
#8 - DeKo
ubber loob, tbh.
Ubber ? since when it has two b's, or is it something else than the german related "Über" which i used quite often

But anywayz, 115fov?, so to me u are Über1337

And in general too, because u drive a FOX on ASCLUB
Lube? Get outta town!

YAY, I'm leet :P I've just got out the shower and im still wet and I down want to get my G15 wet and I'm leaning over my G25.
Quote from The General Lee :Lube? Get outta town!

YAY, I'm leet :P I've just got out the shower and im still wet and I down want to get my G15 wet and I'm leaning over my G25.

where's the soaking wet G5 lasermouse

Was going to get the G7 mouse, but it didnt have a few features that I love on the MX518.
i use 101 in normal road cars. It gives you good angle to see whole wheel, left and center mirror. It's realistic and great to drive. 96 whit GTR's cuz head is more to back so i get it to look like a road car and 98-100 in open wheelers.
hmm... what's the forced cockpit view?
harjun - All your poll ranges over-lapped, I've fixed them for you. This may mean people have now voted in the wrong category, however. What was wrong with the last poll on this matter? As an experienced forum user you did of course search. DIDN'T YOU?

me - 100 deg over 3 screens (I use 70 deg when using just the one monitor): http://lfs.thefloatingwidget.n ... _custom_view_fullsize.jpg
Don't be mad with him, he is only 13
Red mist is not an appropriate to be looking at while posting.
Ignore what I said.
just dont start.....
Havent you had enough already of bullying me?....just leave of that topic, and leave the thread to do what it should do, discussing FOV
I use 60-80 depending on car. I wonder have those who uses insane 100+ FOVs actually tried lower value... for me high FOV just distorts the sense of speed totally, it feels like you're going 300 km/h all the time.
Not for me it doesnt.

It feels natural and anything just feels weird.
Ehhhh !!!
I use custom FOV --> 90 degrees.
I voted 50-59. I really don't know what FOV I use any more as I adjust it constantly depending on what car I'm in. I adjust using the 5 and 6 keys so that the gauges are just at the bottom of my screen. I can't stand that stretched out perspective you get with default or above and don't understand how anyone could race with high FOV such as 90 or more (barring the multiple display users...)
Using 19" 1600x1200 CRT 80-85
Using 22" 1680x1050 TFT 85-90
about 90-110. or untill the camera is at the edge of the mirrors or the bottom of the steering wheel in most cars.

How much FOV?
(55 posts, started )