Oh yeah, i have a better visual now.
Would they be able to make use of exported 3d objects or the game engine
only 'recognizes' models from theyr 3d modeling software?
eric could devote his time to more tracks istead of rims and bodyparts,
hows about that ?

no im not giving up, not just yet!
btw, high poly rims are way faster to make than low poly (i dont know
if anybody cares about this, just writing it for common knowledge purposes),
low poly is more time consuming because you have to optimize a lot
the wheel, the fact you can use triangles instead of all quad polies
is a thin reward really.
Also, low poly rims are best displayed with textures (LFS doesnt
support bump mapping, which makes things a tad harder), and textures
do take a lot of time to be made.
the current polycount im hovering around seems very accessible tho,
does anyone know the polycount of the actual stock rims on the xr?
just to give me an idea
Another small tought, bodyparts for cars would actually modify the original
texture for the car itself, this is troublesome since its not optimal to
have a lot of textures for each combination of parts.
would it be a better idea to make these parts have a skin on theyr own?
If someone had a importable 3d object for, say, an xrt i would be happy
to get my hands on it !