The online racing simulator
LFSRelax (TS View, AutoMessages, Pit Spotter,Split, Gear buz, Dig spedo & fuel Stat)
Hello racer,

I am very happy to release this insim client prog LFSRelax with sources
To download

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

Stable: ... lfsrelax/
In the rar you can find source of this prog.

Beta to be tested:
In the rar you can find source of this prog.

LFSRelax need NET2.0 to run: here ... 62-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5

LFSRelax cfg Generator ( Write by Yamakawa ) . Thank you very much Yamakawa
This tool easily edit a CFG file of LFSRelax.

Don't put LFS in Hight Priority mode, in this mode LFSRelax loose most insim packet and pitspotter don't work correctly

What do it?
LFSRelax is rewrite of 4 insim prog and compilation in one application
  1. LFSTSView ( Write by Gai-Luron ) for viewing who speak in Team Speak on LFS Screen
  2. AutoMessage ( idea byCrazyICE, write by Gai-Luron ) to send message automatically ( possibility to include pre defined variable in messages string )
    • On connection
    • On Race Start
    • On Race End
    • On new PB
    • On multiple words received
  3. Pit Spotter ( idea by Kegetys, write by Gai-Luron )to have audio messages when somebody is near your car
  4. LFSTInGame ( idea by RiskredruM, write by Gai-Luron ) for viewing racestats on your screen during
  5. Other : Shift beeper : Bip when shift ligth is on
  6. Digital Speedometer

- I don't know
How to use

Configure your insim host,port and passwd in cfg file and lauch the application. You can activate or deactivate function in cfg file

Other prog by Gai-Luron

LFSRelax :
LFSLapper :
LFSStat :

Have Fun!

thanks for this prog my friend gai luron
Thanks a lot, pit spotter is back
Love the name.
Gai-Luron, you are the master coder of all things insim & you will make many ppl happy especially with the return of pitspotter. I can't wait to try LFSRelax.
Well done and thankyou once again.
Thanks, but I'll pass if I've gotta have TSview and Automessages with my Pit Spotter
awsome stuff... after some testing i found following problems:

when a car is on the left AND on the right, the old spotter said something like: You are in the middle. this new one just ignores one of the cars or gets confused (you know what i mean)

i also did some adjustments to the cfg (as i use it mostly on ovals with gtr cars:
EnablePitSpotter = true
DxR = 25
DxL = 25

DyF = 5
DyB = 5

i will also provide another spotter-voice pack (i found it somewhere in the internet and i think it is from another game but don't come after me for the copyright as i don't really know who has it, i also did some adjustments and remixing with them so they are not 100% the original anyway) just backup the old sounds files in the sounds folder and extract the archive to the sounds folder of relax.

by the way owen, you can switch off the automessage and TSview thing in the cfg file.
Attached files
Sounds.rar - 59.2 KB - 1007 views
#8 - Davo
Thanks again Gai-Luron, your work is appreciated.

Also nice sounds Fischfix.
I type mi pass in cfg file , in game tell me "Your pass no mach whit your admin pass"

How fix?
Quote from KeiichiRX7 :Thanks, but I'll pass if I've gotta have TSview and Automessages with my Pit Spotter

You can switch any of them on or off individually by changing the appropriate parameters in the cfg file.
It is pretty easy to work out.

Edit: Oops just noticed Fischfix already answered you.

I'm new and it's my first message in your forum!!!!

Woolfen asked me to look there for pitspotter!
A great thx to Gay Luron for his work.

Good job.

Cu later on track.
Thanks for this nice addition to Live For Speed, I sure going to use this
Quote from flinty72 :You can switch any of them on or off individually by changing the appropriate parameters in the cfg file.
It is pretty easy to work out.

Edit: Oops just noticed Fischfix already answered you.

What about us thickies who don't even know what a cfg file is, never mind how to change parameters on one

Any chance of a run-thru for non-techy types, pls!

Just to clarify, I want the pitstopper, but not the two other add ons.

Thanks in advance

If you don't want the other add-on and if you don't want modify cfg file ( you don't want anything you ) remove this insim app, go in other place or rewrite it ( you have the source ).

I'am so tired about people who are never happy. The next insim app, i keep it for me and my friends

Quote from palan5 :Hello!!!

I'm new and it's my first message in your forum!!!!

Woolfen asked me to look there for pitspotter!
A great thx to Gay Luron for his work.

Good job.

Cu later on track.

LoooooL not Gay Luron, he's Gai Luron :uglyhamme
#16 - vane
i saw gai testing the auto messages yesterday, it was hilarious, hi {Nickname} nice to see you on {Shorttrackname}

Thanks for this Relax prog i realy like it
Good work
Quote from Töki (HUN) :LoooooL not Gay Luron, he's Gai Luron :uglyhamme

Gai = Happy
Gay = ... i don't know and it's not me

Quote from Gai-Luron :Gai = Happy
Gay = ... i don't know and it's not me


Most gay people are happy people aren't they??
:wow: Great Job Gai-Luron
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Most gay people are happy people aren't they??

Yes, I hope. It is not incompatible .

Afraid i do something wrong? It only crashes (no error message, crashaddress)? I commented the password line out, connected insim on port 29999 and started LFSrelax. I used it on the client not server so thats why no password needed.

Am i doing something wrong? Maybe i have drwatson log for you.. Nope its just the program windows records nothing.
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :... I used it on the client not server so thats why no password needed. ...

IF you hosted one time a game on your LFS and you set admin pasword. This pass is needed also in client mode

Go to new game and look admin parameter.

Cant say this solved it. You are right i have a server setup and had hopes. Restarted it in dedi mode and get same error (ofcourse with the pw).

Nobody else have crash issues?

Vcom worked fine and was setup on same port so something makes it crash?
I wanted to have pitspotter but it didnt work with this version of lfs, so thanks for this new app!
But can anyone tell me how to get it work ? Only the app that says where the cars are (lef, right,...) the rest i dont need.