The online racing simulator
Getting a wheel
(32 posts, started )
Getting a wheel
I'm thinking about getting a wheel. My question is, does it lower fps during gameplay? I figured that having the software running in the background would eat up fps. I already get just enough to play enjoyably so i'm not sure if i should compromise the fps for a wheel.
#2 - Jakg
you dont need ANY software running in the background to use a wheel
ok thanks for answering my question...i asked if it will eat up fps. i only guessed at the software part. Nevertheless, its another peripheral that needs to be running at the same time as LFS. So i ask again, will having a wheel lower fps. Even if the answer is 2 fps i would still like to know. THanks
#4 - Jakg
the answer is about 0.0000001 fps most probably
ok thank you. why is it then Architect told me that it could be anywhere from 10-15 fps difference?

He said the force feedback has something to do with it. Can anyone else clarify whether or not there is an FPS drop?
#6 - Jakg
He was talking BS, i've just tested it by changing inputs and it made NO difference.
Ok. Did you test LFS with no wheel at all? Also what FPS do you get on average?
#8 - Jakg
i just changed the inputs, but i've seen no change from plugging it in and out either *shrugs*

On average? 120 when alone
alright, thank you for the quick responses. If you don't mind i would like to keep my question in the air and get more testimonies from others if thats possible. Just so i'm sure there really is no fps drop at all.
#10 - DeKo
i can confirm jakg's point, there is absolutely no loss of FPS at all.
alright. i wonder why that guy was telling me there is a drop...
#12 - DeKo
Quote from ans7812 :alright. i wonder why that guy was telling me there is a drop...

potentially he had some obscure wheel, which either ran some program in the background or was just shite and dropped his FPS, or he was imagining it, or he was bullshitting you just for the hell of it.
alright...also, (sorry to be buggy) but what wheels do both of you use?
#14 - Jakg
i use a G25, but i've had a Momo and experienced no FPS drop with it
thanks, real fast replies..
I use a G25 too, and it's good as gold.
I didn't notice any change in framerates when i started using a g25
thanks a lot guys. this just reinforces my thought to buy a wheel.
I have a G25, never noticed any FPS drop. My FPS is always sky high even on a full grid so i dont notice any difference.
Now if you had to choose between a momo or a DFP. Which is the preferable one? Are there advantages, disadvantages to both?
Jakg has a wheel guide in his signiture. check that out. (although the DFP has more buttons and can change the ° lock up to 900°)
#22 - Jakg
Quote from ans7812 :Now if you had to choose between a momo or a DFP. Which is the preferable one? Are there advantages, disadvantages to both?

link in my signature
Jakg, how many times have you told people to check your sig lol? it's nearly once per day!!!!
lol at least it gets more visits then his website
#25 - Jakg
Quote from dadge :Jakg, how many times have you told people to check your sig lol? it's nearly once per day!!!!

Tons, because imo it's the ultimate guide
Quote from anik360 :lol at least it gets more visits then his website

its on LFS manual :P

Getting a wheel
(32 posts, started )