The online racing simulator
Infos - Xbox Parts into a computer?
Hello guys,

I got this thought a few months ago, since I don't play much Xbox, I'd like to move the important stuff (Graphic card and processor) into my computer, in order to get a decent system at cheap price. My question is: is it doable? If so, is there any tutorial to look out to help myself or everything is plug-and-play?

#2 - CSU1
okedokey...old xbox or 360?

You can not "move" important stuff from xbox to PC and build "ultimate pc"

Ask yourself, what is the one thing you want from media entrtainment?...
a) Yes you can move the bits into a pc, will require modifying though.

b) As CSU1 hinted at, the important parts of an xbox are all soldered onto the motherboard, so you can't separate them.

c) Why would you want to? The xbox has 64mb ram shared between the system and the GPU. The CPU is a pentium 3 based job @ 733Mhz.

d) I guess the only 'PC' operating system it can run is Linux, with it hard, or soft modded.

e) If you do have it/get it modded, I strongly suggest you look at the new Xbox Media Center. I got it going the other day and its really damn nice. Running in HD with the Xbox wireless, can stream any media from any of the PCs in the house at the touch of the button. The list of features is HUGE and its really nicely done

So yer, it can be done... But don't.

I also tried putting a PC in a Xbox case, and that was fine but I never completed the project.
#4 - Jakg
Possible? Yes, but not worth it, the Xbox is pretty crappy hardware, it's just with such a slipstreamed OS, and the fact the devs know exactly what they can and can't do means you get some ok looking games.

Like most games consoles/laptops it's easier to solder than it is to take up space with slots.

@ pb3200, it's possible, but i much prefer the 1337 system (2x 8800Ultra's, QX6700, Water cooling) + Xbox 360 inside one PC case as i've seen on another forum.