The online racing simulator
Forum racing school idea
(22 posts, started )
Forum racing school idea
Today I got a nice idea I think. What about to make something like an Forum racing school? It can be a stand-alone thread where will pro's post their replays with good laps and some desrciption to it. They could give some commentary to that parts of track that plays main role when trying to drive a fast lap, and explain the ideal way how to drive throught them.
Also the "LFS students" can post their laps here, and pro's can give them some advices, tell them what they're doing bad, what they can improve and how.

If apologize if something like this alredy exists, I don't know about it....

(Training in LFS isn't enough, when you don't know WHERE are you screwing up you laps and WHAT you have to do with it)
Sounds like a fine idea my friend.
This is something that was handled very nicely in the GPL community, i think its a good idea, its also fun having an instructor sitting on your shoulder coaching you on-line as you try to improve your hotlaps, rather than just watching a replay in isolation. :up:
I'd also vote for anyone volunteering a server setup as a training server, where volunteers could log on and help out any new guys that go there for help. I would pop on there from time to time to give what little pointers I could give to help the newbies. Heck, I would pop on there looking for some help myself.

Of course, much like the CRC servers of yesterday and today, folks would need to go to them for them to be useful.
In the GURU server, anyone can ask for help from a GURU member. I'd skip racing to help a new guy any day, as would most GURU members, I think.

Edit: I can easily setup a dedicated training server if there is interest. Let me know!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I'd be glad to offer help to anyone who I can help but lol.. I'm not the best in explaining how to do something (and let's not go to patience.. ). Still up for it as long as it's either GTi or FXR (mouse)
ok then...

I need help, I'm did a new PB of 1m11.12 on Blackwood in my Formula XR the other day...

I felt I put my 3 best ever sectors together and was increadibly accurate...I was at my total maximum...

But it was still over 1 sec off the front running pace....(late 1m9s...)

I can lead and occasionaly win races, if I drive 100 perfect...but If i'm not 1st onto the long straight I gradually fall back...

I need more pace!!!! If I post a replay of a good lap, will someone point out where i'm loosing the time, and how I can improve it..?
anyone wana take a look at this and give me some pointers...?

I was on for a very quick lap (by my standards) untill I took to much kerb on the last coner.....with disasterous results...
#9 - bbman
Yeah, you definetely have to turn in much less... You should go almost straight through that, then you should be fine...

Ok, just joking... What shall we look at?
Quote from MadCatX :Today I got a nice idea I think. What about to make something like an Forum racing school? It can be a stand-alone thread where will pro's post their replays with good laps and some desrciption to it. They could give some commentary to that parts of track that plays main role when trying to drive a fast lap, and explain the ideal way how to drive throught them.
Also the "LFS students" can post their laps here, and pro's can give them some advices, tell them what they're doing bad, what they can improve and how.

If apologize if something like this alredy exists, I don't know about it....

(Training in LFS isn't enough, when you don't know WHERE are you screwing up you laps and WHAT you have to do with it)

The CRC has been working on a project like this since August.

It will be released shortly, of course its not for everyone, but some of the cleanest drivers will be helping out.
Quote from Iron_Maiden :anyone wana take a look at this and give me some pointers...?

I was on for a very quick lap (by my standards) untill I took to much kerb on the last coner.....with disasterous results...

Couple of things I have to always check when I'm trying to learn a new track, with examples of course:

a) try to go every corner without braking at all
There are some corners that may seem that you get the braking precisely correct but still loose lots of time. Every time you brake, your tires loose some grip = car doesn't turn. Trail braking is useful, but there are corners where you don't need to brake. You can check in WRs where they do this. Good line is critical.

Example: BL1, the second corner after the long straight.

b) Make sure that you can exit corner full throttle.
This may be obvious but if you check your replays for this you notice it.

Example: AS3, last chicane. [GTRs] Turn in at least 120kmh. As you start turning right try to go full throttle as soon as possible. Cut the curbs and keep the pedal floored. Don't use brake in chicane.

c) Don't turn in too early.
If you have to turn the steering wheel little back and forth = time lost. Be sure to use all track.

Example: Last corner in BL1. Try take the widest line in so you can get back on full throttle before the corner ends. Here most people lose time in BL1.

d) Don't miss the apex.
Inner line makes acceleration out of the corner faster.

Check example c. You want to get as near that apex as possible.

e) Check braking points from WR replays.
Try to get as near them as possible. At the same time you can check the line into the corner. Try to brake in straight line as long as possible before entering corner. It's easier and you can brake at full force; not fearing to lock the inner front tire.

Example: All turns, check WR replays.

With these instructions you should be seconds faster than me. (Still 10 seconds to WR though )
i think a better understanding of racing etiquette would be of good use.

it seems like some people dont know how or when to pass. I know s2 has attracted alot of newbs but maybe if crc could get their word out more the learning process would be sped up? or maybe something else like a lesson on passing that ur force to take?...
also some people dont seem to understand the difference between clean and dirty blocking,..

learning the tricks of the tracks isnt too hard. i did most of my learning of the race line and breaking pts on aston nat by staring at hyper's rear bumper as he slowly dissapeared from view. also watching replays etc and practice. i'd like to think other racers are smart enough to take steps to go faster.

Driving style plays a key role also to how u attack corners. i tend to steer with the throttle and break more than other drivers. even with the GTi and fwd race cars i warm up my rear tires quicker than most other racers.
feck...did I really not even attach the replay....?

sorry...I was probably drunk...

here it is -
Attached files
DON2.spr - 19.5 KB - 349 views
Ok, I took a look and the first thing was: "Does he drive with keyboard?"

You steer way to fast, try to steer slow and smooth, also prevents sliding like you did in the first two laps... And no, your rear tires were perfectly warm and you almost didn't touch the kerb... Also, as far as I saw, the last round wouldn't have been a PB, in Round 3, you used the available tarmac better and you steered smoother than in lap 4... In that lap 4, you hit the kerbs to much, and steering did the rest...

Thats, how I see it... Maybe someone better has another opinion...
Think he must be using an analogue input, but he either has VERY fast hands on a wheel, or it's a joystick (or dual analogue game-pad).
I think you should reduce the sensitivity of the steering a little (reduce steering lock is the most obvious way, but the FOX doesn't have much of that anyway, so find a better way by playing with the settings a bit), as bbman says, you steer way too fast, and often too far, hence the high temperatures on the fronts after just a few laps.

You also need to pick a gear for each turn, stick to it and be in that gear before you get too far into the corner.
Don't be so aggressive either, see how smoothly you can drive the course, using all the road and all the throttle where you can, try to keep your tyres as cool as possible. Drive a smooth line and you'll beat your current time just because your corner speeds will be a lot higher.
I use both anologue sticks on a PS2 style pad...

I will try to be smoother...but I'm already using a low steering lock value..

when I lower the lock further, I cant correct slides as well....

I hear what you say though...I will try...

ps. nice crash on the last corner eh?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
cool, thanks for the advice...

I will take some rear wing out...maybe it will stop the understeer...

I'll also fiddle with the steering and practice...I can be smooth..just when I'm really going for it I tend to forget and just drag the car round...
Quote from MadCatX :Today I got a nice idea I think. What about to make something like an Forum racing school? It can be a stand-alone thread where will pro's post their replays with good laps and some desrciption to it. They could give some commentary to that parts of track that plays main role when trying to drive a fast lap, and explain the ideal way how to drive throught them.
Also the "LFS students" can post their laps here, and pro's can give them some advices, tell them what they're doing bad, what they can improve and how.

If apologize if something like this alredy exists, I don't know about it....

(Training in LFS isn't enough, when you don't know WHERE are you screwing up you laps and WHAT you have to do with it)

That sounds like a great idea to me :up: I'm not the fastest, but I'd be happy to help out with anything. If you ever see a (NASSA) member on a server, don't hesitate to ask for help or a setup or anything
thanks for the help people...

today I destroyed my previous best...

old Pb - 1m11.12

new Pb - 1m10.70

and the new PB I was too cautous in sector 3...must have cost me a few tenths...
Hi guys,

do you think you can look this replay and say me what I have to improve? I try to be a good driver with XRT and my PB is 1.26.56. In this rep are my 2 hotlaps (1.26.82 is the better one).
I watched on one WR rep and only thing that I found out is that I am messing the second curve. Another thing where I might be better is the last part of Blackwood...... Just take a look plz and let me know...

Attached files
M4DC4T.cz_BL1_XRT_12682.spr - 110.5 KB - 325 views
1. Try braking a couple of metres later so you trailbrake into T1
2. You don't need to brake in the chicane, lift off isn't a prob but do it only to turn the car into the corner
3. Let the car go into the backstraight turn a bit faster, use the fact that it's RWD to your advantage
4. Too much brake into the esses, aim at getting the speed through it higher and steer through it until you can accelerate
5. Again try going in a bit faster into the penultimate
6. Your apex was correct when going to start the first lap, aim for that line

You shouldn't need to turn the wheel so much you get major understeer, e.g. on the last lap & final corner. Practice getting the line on that. Overall very solid laps. I see potential if you keep on practising!
Woohooo, thank YOU NotAnIllusion!!! I finally got my times under 1.26..
My new PB is 1.25.78!!!!!!!! That's what I've ever wished, go under 1.26.... I attached another rep, I think I made a lot of improvements there. Apex in last turn seems to be better and essess are also quicker...
Again, THANK YOU...
Attached files
M4DC4T_BL1_XRT_12578.spr - 182.3 KB - 324 views

Forum racing school idea
(22 posts, started )