hi guys didnt want to make another thread so ill post here,
ive just started to learn C,C++ and C# im starting to get more confident in programing now, and starting to understand where ive made mistakes altho im not to the advanced stages yet, i feel like a challenge so i thought idd try somthing a little differant to what the books teach you, i was wondering if there was anything in lfs i could try that was just small and would give me an understanding in how apps work with insim 4.
as i said just started out and loving it but need a challange, nothing too hard just somthing easy, thanks for any help and thanks for getting me into programing as ive been following some of the topics arround here and thought idd try some of you are really good but i spose it all comes with time

i cant wait till i write me first programe for lfs just dont know what to write

so any ideas, and no i dont want to make a cruise server type of app lol,
thanks from racemania future programer (i hope)