Latest news I heard is that the French government called off the state of emergiency (is it called that way, thats how it's called in dutch anyway) so they can set an evening clock and search people's homes without warranty.
Apparently these riots don't come out of nothing, given that there is a movie from 1995 about these suburbs. I havent seen it, will try to remember it when I am at the shop next time. But maybe these riots have something to do with the fact that the extreme-right party has won a large amount of votes in the last election in France? I am not so much into the political situation of France, but there are also small riots reported in Belgium, and Belgium also saw a large increase in extreme-right voters in the last elections. Maybe the people in the suburbs feel really put aside as 3rd rang citizens by that?
I could make a comparison to what is happening in Holland at the moment. I don't think it is the same, but I think it is 'alike'. The cabinet that was installed about 2,5 years ago came with a ministry for Integration and immigration. They decided to take a lot of actions to limit the amount of immigrants and to send a lot of immigrants (who did not have a legal status yet, altough some lived in Holland for more then 5 years already) back to their native country. These measures really didnt make this cabinet very popular amongst the immigrants that came here in the last 50 years. The people that came from non-european countries feel treated as second rang civilians, even tough they can stay in Holland.
I think some groups feel attacked very fast or something, at least I dont think violence is the correct way to fight your situation, no matter how bad that situation is. Some people even found it necessary to threaten the minister to death, so she had to wear a bulletproof vest at the memoriam of Theo van Gogh last week (who was by the way slaughtered on the street by an extremist muslim 1 year ago).
Oh and about the American press... The difference with the dutch press is huge. I read an article a few weeks ago about some survey of freedom of speech. Altough American's act like they invented the word (same for democraty), the US was somewhere on the 25st spot. I think Holland, Norway, Denmark, Finnland and some other North European countries were top of the list with no 'penalty-points'. And indeed, the image we have of the US is that of FOX news. I mean, I can remember that they had an item about wether Spongebob squarepants was gay or not...
Oh btw, I see CNN International has some coverage of the riots now, but I am not sure people in the US can get that (probably not).