The online racing simulator
More advanced damage ?
(37 posts, started )
More advanced damage ?
Will the damage get more advanced eg smoke effects>
Probably will. The devs have said that the damage in the game is just the first step. We have no idea what comes next with the damage, but they do know that we want certain things like carbody parts falling off, breaking windows, sparks, and smoke effects.

I hope to see it soon, but all of that sounds really advanced.
The next stage has got to be faliures, like over-revving (valve gear damage - lack of power/revs) and brake fade etc, power output could drop a little as temperature increases, and the clutch might fail if you slip it too often, the gearbox could start being difficult to shift of you fluff too many times. And I can't wait to see mirror's being knocked out when you pass too close!
first thing i want to be able to see is engine damage so we can have DNF'S make enduros more exiting imo
maybe more advanced damage will come in S3?
Quote from Theafro :The next stage has got to be faliures, like over-revving

We already kind of sort of have over-revving.
Quote from wheel4hummer :We already kind of sort of have over-revving.

Very true, the FXR seems worse of the bunch, just try it on a few laps downshifting it into the redline, engine doesnt last long, thats for sure
Important areas would be clutch & transmission wear, as well as the various car components being affected by impacts (engine, radiator, wings). Suspensions need to be breakable (very apparent on single seaters) and should resist less abuse (kerbhopping). That would be a very big step forward.
Quote from Theafro :And I can't wait to see mirror's being knocked out when you pass too close!

Also somebody running over the debris of that mirror and getting a flat tyre!
I think one of the first things that should be implemented is radiator damage from running into the back of people. The temperature gauge is already in the cars so presumably this is on the "to do" list at some point, I just hope it makes it into S2 rather than S3 as it will totally change online racing for the better - being careless under braking and hitting the guy in front would have consequences.

The other thing S2 actively needs imho is realistic engine damage from over revving.

More advanced visual (bodywork bending, dropping off, glass breaking etc) and mechanical (component failure through abuse/wear, one failure causing another, etc) damage would certainly be welcome, but personally I'd expect that kind of stuff for S3.
Quote from AndroidXP :Important areas would be clutch & transmission wear, as well as the various car components being affected by impacts (engine, radiator, wings). Suspensions need to be breakable (very apparent on single seaters) and should resist less abuse (kerbhopping). That would be a very big step forward.

All very true except the part about kerb hopping. IRL, F1 cars survive an entire race distance of kerb hopping on the chicanes and no, their suspension links don't die. I do agree, however, for some kerbs (taller, sharper and nastier), it should result in snapped wishbones, especially when hit at silly speeds.
Running one, unloaded, wheel over a kerb (as in real life) is very different to hitting chicane kerbs full on at full throttle as is the norm in LFS. Drive an F1 car in reality like they are driving in LFS and it will break before the completion of one lap.
Quote from chin chaw :Will the damage get more advanced eg smoke effects>

How come you have an avatar?
Because he was a member here before Victor removed the demo avatar privilege.
Quote from Funnycat :How come you have an avatar?

Quote from tristancliffe :Because he was a member here before Victor removed the demo avatar privilege.

lol this question gets asked so often
i wonder that so much ppl still dont know it
I could be really mean and remove the avatar and he'd have no way of putting it back... muhahaha. Gotta love "power".
All these people giving away S2 vouchers and that guy being a demo user for so long....

...but thinking about it, do you really want to give S2 to a person who has been here for at least 2 years and hasn't brought the game?! I think the money could have been saved up to buy it by now
He probably does have an S2 licence, but uses a demo account for forum use (to keep a bit of anonymity). J.B. is the same (I have no idea what his real username is, but he is S2 licenced).
Quote from Bob Smith :I could be really mean and remove the avatar and he'd have no way of putting it back... muhahaha. Gotta love "power".

Quote from STROBE :I think one of the first things that should be implemented is radiator damage from running into the back of people. The temperature gauge is already in the cars so presumably this is on the "to do" list at some point, I just hope it makes it into S2 rather than S3 as it will totally change online racing for the better - being careless under braking and hitting the guy in front would have consequences.

For me that would be the improvment id most like to see in LFS. Im sick to death of being scared to brake into T1 due to the fact it seems, only a few if any online racers care about destroying your race, just to gain a slight advantage..

Its become that bad on UKCT ill now make sure im slow off the start and let enough people past me off the grid so i can coast into T1 and react to everything going on around me..

Gets a big thumbs up from me

Quote :Suspensions need to be breakable (very apparent on single seaters) and should resist less abuse (kerbhopping). That would be a very big step forward.

The number 2 on my most wanted list of improvments..

How some people cut the corners online is very unsportmanly, and looks very silly when your see cars take off, and loose no speed at all and recive no kinda penalty, actualy you gain speed by doing this, quite a lot at some section of the track were the idea is to slow down, its the whole point in high curbs afaik.

For me these two small improvments alone will drasticly change the way online racing is played, for the better.
Quote from danowat :Very true, the FXR seems worse of the bunch, just try it on a few laps downshifting it into the redline, engine doesnt last long, thats for sure

Not trying to be a smart-ass but if I need to drop to 1st gear from full speed to get engine damage... the engine damage is non-existent...

Mechanical issues are one important part of racing. I wish it was like that in LFS as well. Flatshifting is something I'd like to get rid of. Undertray damage and damage to aerodynamic parts is very very important as well. Suspension damage is quite nice although it would be much better if it was possible to totally break the arms, maybe even resulting a loose wheel. Damage to gearbox and drivetrain are important as well.

Treating the car well should come with a prize. Treating the car badly should cause you a DNF.

The mechanical damage stuff inside the car might be wise to do first as it has nothing to do with the flaky collision model. Having fully refined suspension and aero damages is kinda useless if a small lag spike makes your UF1 look more like a ball than a car. In the same way as having perfect engine/drivetrain damage if you can just tick all different aids on and continue to be fast and consistant without any fear for engine/drivetrain damage...

Things can only improve. And should
Quote from Hyperactive :Not trying to be a smart-ass but if I need to drop to 1st gear from full speed to get engine damage... the engine damage is non-existent...

You don't need to do that to damage the engine in the FXR, even a small amount of over-revving on downshift will damage the engine.

But yeah, it should be improved in the future, that goes without saying obviously
Although I agree with most of what has been said here concerning suspension damage, I don't think that can be accomplished until the contact patch issue gets resolved.

Now, this is just from observation, not from anything Scawen has mentioned, but it seems the tire/contact patch model only handles one pressure point or contact point. If your tire is hitting a curb, it will be touching the pavement and the curb at the same time in two different places. Search for "exploding curbs" in the bugs forum.

The current model doesn't handle this situation so you get some very strange forces through the system. Just park a car on one of the cracks in the little kink curb on KY2 that is just before the turn onto the oval section. Your car will start hopping and vibrating. This is what everybody calls "explosive curbs". If you drive over them slowly, you will get suspension damage. This is because large forces are generated because of the double contact points on the tire.

Until that is fixed, more advanced suspension damage will just cause unwarranted problems.

I do agree that flying over the monster high curbs on the FE tracks (and others) at full throttle should cause massive damage to the car. I just don't think this can happen until the above is fixed.
Quote from Hallen :Now, this is just from observation, not from anything Scawen has mentioned, but it seems the tire/contact patch model only handles one pressure point or contact point. If your tire is hitting a curb, it will be touching the pavement and the curb at the same time in two different places. Search for "exploding curbs" in the bugs forum.

At least the Kyoto exploding curbs are nothing more than "errors" in the 3d model. There is a tiny crack between two surfaces that causes this. Just an observation too though. Many kerbs at Kyoto have this problem

EDIT: I just checked the Kyoto configs and the problem seems to be that there is a small "step" between the kerb and greens stuff. LFS' tire model doesn't seem to be able to handle this.
I see your point Hallen, but while I know this problem does exist, I don't think that its priority is really all that high. This issue is far from happening regularly (KY3 being probably the track where it happens most often), and having proper suspension damage to actually discourage the regular use of these shortcuts would be a quicker fix than coding multiple contact points. I think the ridiculous blasting over FE kerbs or even the KY chicane bumps without damage is far worse than this glitch.

More advanced damage ?
(37 posts, started )