The online racing simulator
For poeple who love complicated good stories wich make you think

I have watchjed a movvie just abpout 5 minutes ago its callled

The Girl who leaped trough time(Toki o Kakeru Shōjo)

I liked the movie verry much

But it makes my story for my manga seem unoriginal
Yeah I liked it alot. The girl who leapt throught time. =] It was really good, fun to watch =]
Quote from Chrisuu01 :You watch alot can you giver me some sourses wher you get al these animes i waana watch some

Well ,see

Vapir No2 Vaporizer
Attached images
Quote from Inouva :Well ,see

haha just like mke youtobe al the way

I have nice one you should watch

on youtube Its called The Girl Who Leaped Trough Time - Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
Im am now also pelased to give al you manga lovers this message

Im havwe started oficial work on my own manga that wil be posted on youtube

Il give you the begining story line al the charracters have beighn named

i am curently working on the character design

for info about Autism use This link

Thats because it isnt widely mansioned in any manga and this one the main character is a autist
Attached files
The autistic timetraveller.doc - 21.5 KB - 195 views
Quote from Drifting101 :There's a problem.

What does Autism have to do with time-travelling? Autism is a brain disorder that brings forth a variety of problems, including social problems. Take advantage of that fact and it might make a good story.

And you took part of that plot from "The Girl Who Lept Through Time". Not to be rude but you really have to start from scratch and not use any references from any anime that is well known, unless you're going to make fun of it. You need to think about copyrights because if this thing does get popular, the original artists, directors, etc are going to spot that reference and possibly sue you. For example, Hayate no Gotoku is full of references but it never gets in trouble because it censored them or used something very general.

Whel he gets the power to travel trough time by god didndt read the thing i ataced maybe?

and i made this story when i dindt know that anime yet

and Im not making fun of it neither using it for good story how could i if my best freidns an autist
its to give the poeple who read better point of how things gow in a the head of an autist trust me i know from experiece( an genius may already seen it)

Its just that i feel the subject is beighn taken to lightly and poeple dont know al that much about it wich i want to telo to them how a person like that act the way he acts

So download the atachment please!
Quote from Drifting101 :^I did download it. Was it coincidence that time froze froze when a girl was about to fall into train tracks (The same happened in The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, only it reversed time)? If it was a coincidence I'm very sorry.
And no I did not mean make fun as in make fun of an Autistic person, I mean make fun of an anime reference. You might have misunderstood what I meant (besides, who the hell would make fun of Autisic people?).
I'm sorry if it sounded like I was harsh.

But the problem is, I don't see how this relates to Autism because it doesn't really show the powerful effect that Autism has on one person. The beginning tells me he's Autistic but the rest of the story doesn't show how Autism affected his life. The only thing I see that affected his life was that God gave him time travelling powers and he saved a girl using them. He doesn't know why he got those powers or why it was he that got them.

That is part of autisem the problems of solving things thing eare unclair to them it mkes thing likethis much harder to solve

I could howaver cancel time traveling and make the sory about
autistic kid
what about changing train for like roud crosing on the bottom of steap hill

But think of fact its mot the ful sytory its just the begining ful work on manga chracters andcetra ahs to be started yest the story wil contineu way furteher i wil not publish that hre caus the rest is a total secret

(BTW) my friend was picked on bcaus of autisem ( that is harsh) so that why i got lil like WTH sorry

So main thing hsal i reject the whole time travaling thing and make it [uerly base on the autisem of the Boy Maguri Hashikoru ??
I think it would get peoples atations better
Quote from Chrisuu01 :haha just like mke youtobe al the way

I have nice one you should watch

on youtube Its called The Girl Who Leaped Trough Time - Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo

Nice , mm , other question i try to search ep 1 on YTB , but i have no luck , can give me the link?

And , if you need the link to other anime just tell me

Now , watching , Gunslinger girl seasson 1 and 2
Full melt hash
Quote from Inouva :
Now , watching , Gunslinger girl seasson 1 and 2

Is season two even out yet? I thought it was still in production. Talking about -Il Teatrino-, correct?
Quote from Drifting101 :It's already out and its on it's 2nd episode, going to it's 3rd.

how long is it and is it good?

Gunsliner Girl
Quote from Chrisuu01 :how long is it and is it good?

Gunsliner Girl

worth it to watch.

Also try to see Madlax , is from creators of Noir
Marijuana bubbler
Ahh god, not anime
Quote from dude56 :Ahh god, not anime

So don`t look here then Theres no need for people who dislike it to post about it, keep it for yourselfe instead of posting it, it only ends up with a messy topic.

Back topic -

Anyone seen the Bleach 158 episode. Thoughts?
Quote from The Very End :So don`t look here then Theres no need for people who dislike it to post about it, keep it for yourselfe instead of posting it, it only ends up with a messy topic.

Back topic -

Anyone seen the Bleach 158 episode. Thoughts?

Not yet , i see first naruto shippuden and before Bleach
School days aint a sad anime Its just sick!! my god i havee to retsore my fave in anime again

(goes watching nice sweet romance)
And bleach
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Edit:
School days aint a sad anime Its just sick!! my god i havee to retsore my fave in anime again

(goes watching nice sweet romance)
And bleach

Yea maybe is sick , but the end is soo sad , how its end all is to sad and sick

Well you need to see Karekano ,Ichigo 100% , or chobbits

Thats are sweet romance
Never heared about those, and I rather want to see some anime`s that is more action like than romance like
But that again, a matter of taste.
Quote from The Very End :Never heared about those, and I rather want to see some anime`s that is more action like than romance like
But that again, a matter of taste.

Well so , you like the shonnen =P

Tenjou Tenge
7 samurais
Ninja scroll
Quote from Inouva :Well so , you like the shonnen =P

Tenjou Tenge
7 samurais
Ninja scroll

Dont forget
Naruto Shippuuden
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Dont forget
Naruto Shippuuden

Yes , but naruto is more common anime
Like saint seiya or Dragon ball (z & Gt)

There is a lot good shonnen anime
Like , Rurouni kenshin , cowboy bebop , Busrt angel , gost in the shell
Akira , Jin Roh etc etc etc
Hehe, I have watched some Naruto episodes, but seriously, it`s toooooooooooo...oooooo...oo..o.. much flashbacks.
But else that, good serie, but naruto is ugly, and there is too much flashbacks hehe
Quote from The Very End :Hehe, I have watched some Naruto episodes, but seriously, it`s toooooooooooo...oooooo...oo..o.. much flashbacks.
But else that, good serie, but naruto is ugly, and there is too much flashbacks hehe

Try to watch Naruto shippuuden , the first season of naruto have a lot of flashbacks , but the combats are realy great

P.S:bleach , have loot´s of FB =P
No it ain`t
Mention last time Bleach used like half of the episode on flashback
Well , i finish to see kanon 2006 remake and is wass awsone romance

Now i start to see clanned , is the same creators from kanon 2006 remake

Here the link


Clannad Ep 1 on youtube


Do u like anime? (I do)
(2006 posts, started )