Do u like anime? (I do)
(2006 posts, started )
Quote from Yaamboo :Here's a small list of my favourites in random order (yeah, I watch quite a bit of anime):

- All Ghibli movies
- Cowboy Bebop
- Honey & Clover (yeah, I'm a hopeless romantic)
- Ghost in the Shell
- Steamboy
- Full Metal Panic
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Planetes
- Akira
- Koi Kaze

And some others.

Cool im going to look for some of those you mancioned

(also hopeless romantic)
Currently watching nana anime, up to episode 4 so far..watched a couple films as well.

Definately something different to chill out with.
Not alot of anime lovers here i geus
Yeah, when I started watching anime I felt uneasy ;P As, wth are you watching man.. But I had nothing else to watch, and then step by step I got hooked I do feel a little wierd watching anime at my age, but when you think about it, if I would have watched some of the anime, like only 4years ago, I probably woulndt like it back then
Hooked on Hajime no Ippo right now That anime definetyl has the Rocky spirit of boxing
Initial D ftw ! I mean, that has to be the best street racing story so far
Bleach is a good weeks episode to watch.
Samurai X (OVA) I mean, it was made so real, and so hearbraking, I was as sad as watching Braveheart (Mel Gibson movie) at the end.. Then there is Samurai Champloo, one of the first animes I watched, and damn was it cool.
Death Note - Now that is a really different anime, it gets you hooked and on the edge of your seat, it is about a rivalry, good/evil ... It is a detective story, this even got made in 2 Live action movies.. Really recommend.
I didnt watch Akira to the end :-/ I didnt like it, altough I thought I would.. Dunno why I didnt like it...
Cowboy Bebop - now that was fun, the music the story, and this is a pretty warm welcomed anime by a large audience I believe, since I had only heard about this and GITS before I started watching anime..
Anime shouldnt be dissed, I mean, you cant judge a book by its cover. The same is with anime, you just have to give it a try. But hey, peoples tastes are different, and well, everyone watches what he wants to watch. Btw it was really funny, when one guy bitched about anime, but he LOVED Epic Movie .. So... Basicly, anime is just something interesting in general
Quote from Inouva :OHH Hell YEAH!!!!

So the basic fact is over 20 of lfs would be anime lovers thats awsome
Didn`t quite understand that, you mean that there are at least 20 people from this (LFS forum) that is interested in anime?
Well, we are over 20k, lol, not too many
I really didn't like Anime but there's one rare exception: Samurai Champloo.
I'm a big fan of the Animatrix series and especially the 2 Second Renaissance shorts.
They kinda got me to appreciate Anime some more.
While watching the Animatrix on Stage6, I bumped into episode 1 of Champloo and loved it! I'm now watching all of them.
Quote from The Very End :Didn`t quite understand that, you mean that there are at least 20 people from this (LFS forum) that is interested in anime?
Well, we are over 20k, lol, not too many

I meant 20 procent you silly
hmm, i think i started with animes quite some years back as on german tv neon genesis was running in the night. totally hooked me too.

animes ive got at the moment:
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Grave of the Fireflies
Ghost in the Shell
Hack: Sign
Millenium Actress
Memories of Yesterday
Neon Genesis

ive watched countless more, as you can see i pretty much like the not too wild ones. animes are just great.

for anybody who really loves deep stories i would recommend watching "Waking Life" and "A Scanner Darkly", not really animes, but great stuff from richard linklater.
Quote from dodo.ger :hmm, i think i started with animes quite some years back as on german tv neon genesis was running in the night. totally hooked me too.

animes ive got at the moment:
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Grave of the Fireflies
Ghost in the Shell
Hack: Sign
Millenium Actress
Memories of Yesterday
Neon Genesis

ive watched countless more, as you can see i pretty much like the not too wild ones. animes are just great.

for anybody who really loves deep stories i would recommend watching "Waking Life" and "A Scanner Darkly", not really animes, but great stuff from richard linklater.

Deep stories I like the sound of that
Quote from Chrisuu01 :I meant 20 procent you silly

Yea have equal \ as bad english as me, so not easy to understand :P

Anyway, LMAO of the new One Piece (321) episode ^^
And waiting for bleach 139, it`s going to rock.
Quote from The Very End :Yea have equal \ as bad english as me, so not easy to understand :P

Anyway, LMAO of the new One Piece (321) episode ^^
And waiting for bleach 139, it`s going to rock.

Yeh hope ichigo kills Girimujov

Summary of some stuff that is going to happen.

Ichigo makes a good fight, but he mask breakes after 11 second, and he gets wtf pwned.

Ulquira takes Inoue to Huego Mondo, because Aizen wants the powers of Inoue to help himself (writes from memory, probally all names wrong)

When Inoue are imn Huego Mondo, shes gets the order to "fix" the arm of grimjow, and she does with ease.

And there are a lot more than this is manga, and what you all wonders -

Ulquiara is nr....4 while grimjow is 6

If you have readed all now... well then go to youtube and search for bleach manga chapter (200+, goes atm to 289), and you will have a good time in front of ya reading the manga with music

Whee tanks you

Summary of some stuff that is going to happen.

Ichigo makes a good fight, but he mask breakes after 11 second, and he gets wtf pwned.

Ulquira takes Inoue to Huego Mondo, because Aizen wants the powers of Inoue to help himself (writes from memory, probally all names wrong)

When Inoue are imn Huego Mondo, shes gets the order to "fix" the arm of grimjow, and she does with ease.

And there are a lot more than this is manga, and what you all wonders -

Ulquiara is nr....4 while grimjow is 6

If you have readed all now... well then go to youtube and search for bleach manga chapter (200+, goes atm to 289), and you will have a good time in front of ya reading the manga with music

Yeah thanks so much
There's really few anime that i found worth watching IMO:

Cowboy Bebop
Wings of Honeamise
Saint seiya ( well not the first 35 episodes)
Now and then Here and There
Mononoke Hime (Princess mononoke)
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (spirited away/ le voyage de chihiro)
Berserk ( even if it's a piece of crap compare to the Manga)
Quote from Maelstrom :There's really few anime that i found worth watching IMO:

Cowboy Bebop
Wings of Honeamise
Saint seiya ( well not the first 35 episodes)
Now and then Here and There
Mononoke Hime (Princess mononoke)
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (spirited away/ le voyage de chihiro)
Berserk ( even if it's a piece of crap compare to the Manga)

Imgoing to look for these some sound veryy good

persanoly im also a fan of hard action Like gundam
I`m not quite a fan of Gundam, well I don`t just like the history or the whole plot thingy. My frind tho, he really likes it, and I belives he have every episode from that serie.
Watched bleach the movie : memories of nobody yesterday.
So what you think about that ? I think it was ok, better than naruto movies, but, still, not as good as I wanted it to be, and offcourse not as good as the anime series, but overall, a ok flick
Have not seen it, have not sucessfully found it anywhere.
Subbed by dattebayo If you use torrents... Direct link dunno, cant find..
I found something that reminded me of,

what a scary thing hollow ichigo is could you imagine that happening to you(yikes)


yes new bleach episodes are not for the fanke hearted
Well then you probally not want to look the future episodes of Bleach, it`s getting a lot worse. Well, I belive it`s first time in the serie that someone actually dies, but that will happend, not to just one...but..well you will soon enough figure it out.
Quote from The Very End :Well then you probally not want to look the future episodes of Bleach, it`s getting a lot worse. Well, I belive it`s first time in the serie that someone actually dies, but that will happend, not to just one...but..well you will soon enough figure it out.

Yeah i read the manga so im a bit infron i think rukia is going to die

Oh and girrrimujov kils luppi
for crying out loud, dont say stuff like that, those I BELIEVE are called SPOILERS... ><

Do u like anime? (I do)
(2006 posts, started )