Good cars
(70 posts, started )
Quote from mrodgers :Nope, I don't have to admit. When the car spins out, and I'm facing the wrong direction, I don't call it perfectly balanced. Perfectly balanced is when the tail smoothly breaks out to rotate yourself around the turn, not swinging out at a 90 degree show drift style cornering.

We must be driving different XRT's
mine spins me out only when I push too hard on tyre temperatures over 160
I find it clear and responsive on all inputs
About drift cars
Is the XRR good for drifting at all? Or should I stick with the XRT?
Anything with slicks are very (impossible!?) hard for drift...
Stick with the XRT.
Dorifto yo!!!1!1 forealz! Forbin iz da Driftz King!
I really enjoy the sound of the XRR, but the XRT is a little more challenging in IMO. But the sound is sooo nice, so that's why I asked. Any setup links?
Actually tried the XRR on tracks, it's much easier than the XRT. It has a lot more grip and turning capability. Maybe I'm not pushing it enough though.
As I mentioned earlier, compare your times to the world records. I'm sure you will find you're not pushing the XRR nearly hard enough.
I've gotten around 1:23 or so on blackwood with the XRR. When screwing up, i do go off, but I still find XRT has a more rwd feel to it.
#62 - Jakg
The XRR is good for a 1:08 in my n00bish hands - an XRT could do the same time as that with half the power!

Perhaps if you started a thread and uploaded the replay people would tell you what your doing "wrong"?
I'll try some with the XRT, see if I can get a good replay.
I didn't really start to do well until I started driving the FOX on Redline Servers a few months ago. Once of the Redline guys coached me and I started to really knock major time off my laps. Eventually I moved into the BF1, and for some reason it came very natural. The things I have learned with breaking, exiting and getting on the go peddle earily I was able to easily apply to all cars.

I really take the time and watch other people do a few laps on a particular track/car before I try. When I hit a wall I watch the top people again. You end up learing alot more.
BF1 im a speed freak and its just about the only car i can whip most peoples asses in Do like the LX4 though oh and the F08:lovies: although its a differnent beast from the BF1 i feel like im more connected to the car, and i know if i push it too hard 60% of the time ill end up in the gravel
The real race cars (single seater...) are much easier to drive than anything else.

If there is a car in this game that makes the most perfect trainer, its the MRT. I think its the most undervalued car in the game. Its loose on the gas, pushy on the brakes, has enough power to spin the rears coming off of a corner, its light enough that "overusing" the rumble strips will mess you up. It teaches you all of the basics, and once you master it, it will provide some of the closest racing you can get...

Aside from that... FWD is great. Its a great learning tool for really learning how to shift. Shift too early, and you push right through a corner (you can still shift alot earlier than a rear-wheel) but it allows you to learn to really work the gears without worrying about spinning it every time.

It's all about learning in a progress. If you're great at one car but suck with all of the others, you really aren't that good. I'd rather be competent and mildly competitive in all the cars than super competitive in one but none of the others.

I learned in the open wheel cars. MRT to FOX to FO8. FOX is still my favorite, mainly because its easier to get into a rhythm on most tracks...Im now learning the slower cars, because frankly, they are alot harder to drive. Its good fun though!
In the TBO class I drive the XRT on tarmac. Good acceleration out of the corner, and its easy on the tyres - unlike the RB4 or FXO. I drive the RB4 on dirt because its wayyyy faster (AWD).

in the GTR class I drive the FXR. I can push it very hard, pulling fast lap times. Its almost impossible to crash aswell. Not so good on the tyres though.

in XFG/XRG races 80% of the time I drive the XFG. It has much better braking than the XRG, but the XRG can just pull away from the XFG on long straights, so on fast tracks I drive the XRG.

I prefer to drive the tin tops rather than the open wheelers. TBO is my favourite class. my top 3 cars are XRT XFG and FXR.
I've actually been trying to drift lately, and finding myself not going for laps as much. I do like both the XRT and XRR. On an online race, I'd probably use the XRR for that extra edge.
Every car in liv for speed is good for something.Try and learn them all
UF1-Close competion races
XFG-Learning FWD
XRG-Learning RWD
XRT-Learning Drifting
FXO-Practicing coping with understeer
LX4-Learning LX cars
LX6-Step up from a LX 4
BL1-Fastest of fast quickest of quick
FOX-Learning Formula cars
FO8-Step up from a FOX
RAC-Practicing coping with oversteer
FZR- Step up from XRR
XRR- Step up from FXR
FXR-Learning GTR cars
FZ5-Step up from XRT
XRG-Fast FWD racing streight courses
UFR-Fast FWD racing twisty courses
I really like RB4, FX0 and the MRT.
But these FWD cars except the XF GTR are nothing for me... I'm happy to reach the finish line with them

Good cars
(70 posts, started )