The online racing simulator
Just Training a Sector and Personal Tires Temperature in Hotlap.
First Hello all. It's my first post in this forum. I'm a Spanish man that's learning English as a result a poor quality post. I'm sorry.

My first Suggestion is to can run only a sector of the track, as a finality to improve timing in this sector. When sector's ended then replace the car in the beginig of this sector. Some meters before and a normal speed, of course.

My second Suggestion is to can choose tires temps before starting Hotlap. Then, when Hotlap is begginig, car appears with the wished tires temperature.

I wait that all was understandable.

It's all i have more suggestions that will go posting in the future.

Thanks for all.

See you in the race!!!
#2 - -M-
I don't agree with the first suggestion but loved the second one. We already have pre-heated tyres, so I think we should be able to choose their temp.
Using the autocross tool you could technically do the first option yourself, although it'd require a bit of maths.

Set the start position a way back to give a run up and get to your required speed.
Set checkpoint 1 at the start of the sector.
Set the finish line at the end of the sector.
Subtract the finish time from the Start>Split 1 time and you have your sector time.
Shift+R to run it again

A bit complicated maybe, but definitely possible. And if you're putting that much effort into working on your setup, you won't mind