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How can I share Files from a different Computer
Well I have 2 Computers, The one is upstairs and the other is in my bedroom, they are both desktop PC's and the second one is connected to the internet with a wireless setup. I want to share files so when I'm on the PC upstairs I can get into my PC down stairs vice versa and dont have to worry about flash drives and what not. If you can help me out please do, it gets boring walking down and walking up the stairs 20 times in an hour

Thanks- Mike
uhm connect them via a local network?
Well they both have internet connections, the one down stairs is used by a router coming from the upstairs PC, So are you saying I have to start a Local Network??
as they both use the router it shouldnt be hard to do so.
#5 - JTbo

Try lan network and sharing search words to google
You could also set up a FTP server (Google zFTP Server), and connect to it from various computers around the house to DL files from Server to your PC, or upload files to the other PC.
Ask your parents or siblings to send you files via MSN

Or use FTP
FTP is so much easier, and faster than using a SAMBA share.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :FTP is so much easier, and faster than using a SAMBA share.

I think you mean SMB (or CIFS). Samba is a product, not a protocol and tbh I doubt there's a measurable difference over a LAN. Naturally you wouldn't use it over anything other than a private network either.