What Photoshot Effect Is This...
(22 posts, started )
What Photoshot Effect Is This...
looks like a render or a studio set up photo (obviously no in a studio though)

What effect are you talking about?
Looks 100% like a picture if you ask me. I assure you that isn't a render anyways.
It kind of looks like a render, like Groboth said.

If you compare it to this, you can see. I think its called HDRR or something.

Edit: CD, this is a real car...
HDR (High Dynamic Range) photograph. Combining multiple exposures.
I don't think its an "effect" per se, but I think they just traced a picture really well. It's called the pen tool I think. I'm a gimp user myself.
It just looks like a photo to me. What is everyone on about?
Quote from MAGGOT :It just looks like a photo to me. What is everyone on about?

You have to be experianced in photoshop or editing pictures to spot the flaws. I myself learnt photoshop through editing pictures of cars, so I can spot the mistakes. Look at the car closely, look at the lighting and reflections.

I learnt to do that kind of stuff at www.digimods.co.uk and its thanks to the forum there that I got into LFS in the first place. I was there around the year 1998, I joined the forum there in 2000 I think. However I gave up editing car pictures a while ago, but I can still spot fakes and even identify parts taken from other well known source pictures.
I still agree with spankmeyer - looks more like a multiple exposure photo than anything else.
nice car anyway quicksilver
Photoshopping cars is easy, getting them to look realistic isn't. The image attached in one I have been working on for about 5 hours just on front bumper, which still isn't finished.

The picture is too small to see clearly whether is is photoshopped or a normal photo but from the size it does just look like a normal photo. Only questionable thing for me is the red dot on the left.
Attached images
uras g35.jpg
Quote from Greboth : Only questionable thing for me is the red dot on the left.

In the sea? if thats what your talking about i think it looks like a buoy
HAHA! I completely failed to notice that was the sea
The thing that seals it for me is the fake looking reflections on the front bumper, it looks like to old technique of making a blob of white and just dragging out the sides to make it look like a camera flash. It just has the look of a photoshop job.
QS...I dont know if you are refering to the picture I posted, but my one is definatly real
Well then I agree thats a wierd effect and I would like to know how it was done, just looks fake to me!
Like others said, it looks like multiple exposure HDR work. Ferrari makes a lot of studio pics for PR that look unnatural to some people.
There is no rendering involved, it is just an HDR image (High dynamic range as said), which uses photo bracketing which means that the photo takes the picture at different exposures, and then combines them so each section is perfectly exposed, rather than something be overexposed and something else underexposed.

What Photoshot Effect Is This...
(22 posts, started )