Well, what a day. Got there at about 10.30 (it opened at 10). Looked around a bit at the nice cars. Saw Jeremy Clarkson's show (with Hamster and Needell) which was awesome. Then spent 8 hours helping at the Cyberseat stand with Fordman (who says hi, but has no internet connection tonight) at JJ72.
I think I've sold LFS to at least half a dozen people, and plenty more are very interested - lots want to check LFS.net out. And plenty of people had a go on the cyber seat - most were poor, but a few got into the 1m50's (XFG at BLGP).
Played with many cars and tracks (unlocked S2 (by Scawen) at P11 stage too!). With the cyberseats updated drivers it feels really good. REALLY good. Speed7 pedals, but only a Logitech Wingman wheel, which ruined it a bit.
Going back tomorrow (trade pass

), and apparently Jeremy Clarkson and Tiff Needell are going to see if they can beat the times set by Fordie and me! NO CHANCE
Hope to see more of you there tomorrow.