HEllo to all ye programmers i would so much apreciate it if you made the program below..I know this is alot to ask but i would so much apreciate it..for our team to have.
The program has to store the amount of laps driven and amount of laps drifted above X amount (please make it changble).Each car will have to be locked until the user has got a certain amount of points...(a drifted lap above X will be worth 2 points and a driven lap will be worth 1 point).. (each car can be unlocked with a certain amount of points).showen below (see chart)When some-one unlocks a car with there points the amount of points used to unlock it gets taken from the memory.(the car stays unlocked for ever (unless sold).See commands.
ADMINS : There needs to be a !take command which admins use to take points off the user...
There needs to be a !give command which admins use to give points to users for doing some-thing...
USERS : There needs to be a !unlock command which lets users unlock the car with there points (remember the amount of points the cars cost gets taken off the user)
There needs to be a !lock command which users use to lock cars and get there points back with.
There needs to be a !pay (amount of points) to fine users when they are caught by the police.
Can there also be an ON SCREEN display of your POINTS and UNLOCKED cars please... THANKS EVER SO MUCH
- Sam
ANY QUESTIONS DON`t hesitate to ask....![](/static/smilies/thumb.gif)
The program has to store the amount of laps driven and amount of laps drifted above X amount (please make it changble).Each car will have to be locked until the user has got a certain amount of points...(a drifted lap above X will be worth 2 points and a driven lap will be worth 1 point).. (each car can be unlocked with a certain amount of points).showen below (see chart)When some-one unlocks a car with there points the amount of points used to unlock it gets taken from the memory.(the car stays unlocked for ever (unless sold).See commands.
ADMINS : There needs to be a !take command which admins use to take points off the user...
There needs to be a !give command which admins use to give points to users for doing some-thing...
USERS : There needs to be a !unlock command which lets users unlock the car with there points (remember the amount of points the cars cost gets taken off the user)
There needs to be a !lock command which users use to lock cars and get there points back with.
There needs to be a !pay (amount of points) to fine users when they are caught by the police.
Can there also be an ON SCREEN display of your POINTS and UNLOCKED cars please... THANKS EVER SO MUCH
- Sam
ANY QUESTIONS DON`t hesitate to ask....