The online racing simulator
#1 - Nobo
Just for Demo users - (used) S2 Licence giveaway
I just did read a thread about someone wanting a S1 or S2 licence. That just remembered me that i have a second S2 Licence. It maybe didnt have the best name and was banned from 1 or 2 servers 2 Years ago, i started in July05 with it. The reason why i have been banned was that i started playing serious racing games for the first time and have been so annoyed that it was so difficult and i have to admit i crashed alot . Long time has passed now, a lot of miles on my side since i touched that old licence and i dont think its in 1 single ban list. So i think it shouldnt just lay there useless for me (i dont know a single moment where i could use it) i think we should all be happy if we have one more S2 licenced active racer. But i dont want to give the licence to someone who just got into this forum wants to play NOW and never touches the game after one week.
It maybe sounds a bit godlike but i have some criterias whom i'll give the licence. See it as a competition or whatever. Please apply either here or by pm if you want the licence.

- Forum registration before 01.06.2007 (the earlier the better)
- give reason why you cant buy the licence yourself, you dont need to go much into details (for example: you live in a country where its hard to buy it/you dont have the money/ you are just a student and your parents would never allow you to buy something over the internet/...)
- post some replays which show that you are clean driver (Put a red dot behind your name)/ Replays: 1. You driving alone some laps/ 2. You driving on a filled demo server 3 different mpr replays!!! (you dont have to be an alien fast just capable to hold the car on track and race fair with others, you dont need to win the race on the replay from the filled server or so, thats not giving you any plus point)
- time after application time has ended for a meeting on a demo server where i can see that it was really you in the replays

Not needed but a plus point:
(-helpful, active part of the community)

Application time:
starting from the post time exactly 7 days. No first come first serve basis.
If there isnt anyone who fullfills the criterias i'll think about what i will do with the licence.

Either Post your application here or pm me.

The lucky one will be announced by a post in this thread. Those who pm me will get a message after the 7 days if they are in the closer circle.

All the best,

P.S.: i dont want that people prostitute themselves so i havent given any tricky tasks or silly quiz or sth here like in other S2 licence giveaway threads/ just want to be as sure as possible the licence will be used

P.P.S: for the replay links. DDL preferred but not necessary, at least if there are no 3h waiting time

P.P.P.S: Pleas no spam from licenced racers, thx alot

Edit: 9 Applications
#2 - DDM
I would like to take part in this competition or whatever else you would name it . Anyway ive been playing LFS for over 2 years now, ive allways been thinking of buying an S2 License but in my country pounds ar alot. I mean - (1 LT - 5Pounds) so its alot of money to me. And im still in school so i dont have much money on my hands,no bank account or anything =/ ..

I posted 2 replays as you asked, a 15 lap race at an allmost full server. And 1 singlepayer lap.

I can meet you at "DeadLine Racing LTU" server. Its allways online ant we can make it private if you want. I can give you my Skype or e-mail or something.. (i dont have MSN) <-- The link to the 15 lap race. (I couldnt upload, ive reached my demo limit)

EDIT : BTW my nickname is DDL*`DNS
Attached files
test run.spr - 61.4 KB - 250 views
Wow Nobo, what a kind thing to do, spending your own money to give somebody you hardly know an S2 license. I hope this goes smoothly as you planned.
Quote from dropin_biking :Wow Nobo, what a kind thing to do, spending your own money to give somebody you hardly know an S2 license. I hope this goes smoothly as you planned.

That isnt all true from what I scanned from his first post...

He was a noob when he got S2, wrecked a little got banned, so he bought S2 for himself again, and he is giving away his wrecker account.

But I highly doubt the bans would still be in action now, so no worries.
(Sp!tfire) DELETED by Sp!tfire
(Sp!tfire) DELETED by Sp!tfire
PM Mista Tea, he deserves it.

But I know a lot of demo guys who deserve a license, PM me if you want to talk to them.
Quote :6) It is not allowed to (re)sell your LFS license on this forum. In fact, it is not allowed in general to sell your LFS license, as is the case with any license.

Quote from PRMLSCRM :Please send to me, and i will send you Rfactor with lfsmod!!!


Send him a second-rate imitation of a game he's already got two of?

DAMMIT i could have gotten it if i had joined earlier
It wasn't given away yet. |:

Or am I being stupid and ignorant again?
#12 - Jakg
No, but he joined too late to score a chance at getting it
(Sp!tfire) DELETED by Sp!tfire
Quote from Sp!tfire :Why? they have 7 days to reply here, if you're first ( Like me, I guess ) there is no 100% chance of getting the license or something..
Even if you're the last to reply there is still much chance of getting the license

"- Forum registration before 01.06.2007 (the earlier the better)"

That´s prob. what Exile R is talking about. He joined the forums too late.

Could someone clear thips - is the forum registration the first time you log in to the forum or the time you register at i think it's the latter as some have join date before the start of this forum.
#15 - Nobo
I registred the other account yesterday on the forum and is shows the "2005" join date here.

@Mods: thx for editing the topic title, should have included that.
@demo users: 1 x spr and 3x mpr is the criteria pls / stated it clearer now in my post
Great idea, ALDI, you´re the man

I also have an old S1 account. But this seams to be useless.
Quote from Inouva :with 24 euros I pay 4 months of school, is why I cannot buy the S2 license

Skools fore lossers.
all races i win with fair play and i dont hit nobody, just clean race in all races im start with red dot...

and answer for a question why i cant buy s2...

1. i dont have 18 years old.
2. i dont have account bank.
3. i live in country when we use PLN not GPB and i have problem with change money.
4. im a student and i dont have job to make some money... parents dont wont buy me s2
Attached files
luki97 races - 1.6 MB - 193 views
Quote from R.Kolz :"- Forum registration before 01.06.2007 (the earlier the better)"

That´s prob. what Exile R is talking about. He joined the forums too late.


yea >.< damn me! i was gettin s2 anyway thought id save the trouble
Alrighty then... Will post a forum post too To get my chances up a bit.. Yesterday I was like OMG, a chance to get s2.. My hopes were like up there, today, its like , daaaamn.. so many applicants
So here is my story.
I live in Latvia.
I have played lfs for quite some time.. but picked up more actively this year .
My lfs league wich I am part of, is moving to from demo to s2 starting autumn ..
I have been thinking of getting s2 for along time since, I got a wheel as a gift, and I kinda started liking lfs more and more.. But the problem is.. I just finished 12th grade ;D Did find a school, did actually get in to the budget group (yipii) .. But started learning to get a real drivers licence.. And does that take time and money.... ;D Got left exactly 10ls ;D for one drive till september.... And I have never seen a game as expensive as lfs in Latvias stores ... So my dad doesnt consider paying for an online racing game as a good investment of his money ;D Besides, me and dad live in separate countrys ;P
So here are my 2cents.. been working all day ;D but lfs, never too tired to try
Not going to comment the races, they speak for themselves - link to rared replays
.....end of story.....
Evilgenius is a good friend of mine and a very talented racer.
It would be cool if he get this licence. He is one of the many good latvian lfs racers, would like him to join lfs s2 latvian force.
Quote from Edgers :Evilgenius is a good friend of mine and a very talented racer.
It would be cool if he get this licence. He is one of the many good latvian lfs racers, would like him to join lfs s2 latvian force.

Oh cmon......

You know what? Mista Tea is a very good and talented racer too.

(hopes he will win the licence)