The online racing simulator
would this make my pc gdish
(33 posts, started )
would this make my pc gdish
If you mean good by "gdish" then, it depends.

Your CPU isn't too good, LFS is a more CPU Dependant game, rather than using the Graphics Card.

Do you know what socket your CPU is? It looks like you've got a rather big bottleneck there. Graphics card is good, but the CPU might be letting it down.

Also, If you get that 8800 GTS, you will definatly need a new PSU. I'm suprised your 240Watt PSU runs your current system. ... 000,4294958803,4294963789

That CPU would be better, but it might not fit your motherboard. If your motherboard is an old Socket 478, like I suspect it may be from that P4, you'll need a new motherboard.
#3 - Jakg
Stop making new threads, this is your 3rd on the subject...

You WILL need a new PSU and your CPU will hold you back - your 7900GS is alreaydy good enough, you will probably see NO improvement
and other gamesss with hi specsssssssss so ill get a new mobo and cpu and keep card
Quote from Austin31287 :and other gamesss with hi specsssssssss so ill get a new mobo and cpu and keep card

Whats your RAM? DDR2?
i have 1022
does it need ddr3 =( every card runs n ddr3
#8 - TiJay
Graphics cards use DDR3, normal RAM is usually DDR2 now. So you can use DDR2 RAM and have a DDR3 graphics card.

Why are you replacing a 7900GS? That's not a poor card at all. Your focus should be on buying another GB of RAM, a processor and a PSU.
ok ok an u tell me why my pc randmly just restarts in games or even just listing to i tunes then i get a blue sreen saying some rubbish
#10 - Jakg
Because your PSU is really underpowered, chances are buying that card will just leave you with a PC that won't boot.
ok soo i need new psu and process and mobo
GPU is fine, CPU is decent, PSU is RUBBISH. New PSU first, that way you won't overload and fry something (true story, ask jakg, I'm sure he knows people its happened to as well) Then get another Gig of ram, preferably the same brand and speed of what you have now. Then a low end Core 2 Duo would be fine. Any of the Alendale cores that run the 800mhz fsb will be compatable with your motherboard. Start saving
EDIT: How does LFS run ATM? What settings do you use? I imagine you get some fairly high frames once the AI is spread out, or being online in a decent sized server. the 7900GS could eat LFS for breakfast, then go find something for lunch. So any frame drop would be your CPU, and I can't imagine it being too severe seeing as you have a Pentium D (2.8ghz, 800mhz fsb, 2x4mb L2 cache) they are DECENT chips, get spanked by the Core 2's but will hold its own against low end AMD dual cores.
I have 140 pounds could u give me links to the items plz u semed to know what i need and dont
Um...not certain on the PSU, any DECENT 450-500watt PSU will do. As for RAM, I've always been an OCZ fan. PC-6400 isn't really nessesary for what you are doing, some cheaper PC-5400 will work. You could just get a 1024MB stick, or go for a pair of 2x1gb sticks if you want to spurldge the cash. As for CPU, an E4300, E4400, E6300, E6400, or even those new Pentium E2160's will do. And they will overclock decently, even with a shit motherboard (266-280mhz fsb, not hardcore, but cool if your n00b) I'm canadian so I wouldn't really know where to look for UK product.
ok ty any one who can see them items really cheap plz leave me a link

Pfff people like you give me a hard time reading english.
Don't take it too personal, but i believe you can do way better than that.

Quote from Austin31287 :well that makes urself look stupid if ur going to comment like that and put a link that dont even work lol gd job

are they worth buying

PSU- ... duct.php?prodid=CA-017-OK

Mobo- ... duct.php?prodid=MB-118-AB

Cpu- ... duct.php?prodid=CP-152-IN

He just owned you, by the way. Better get your flame suit on.

As for your list, the PSU is okay AFAIK. I use the same CPU, its fast...But I think you'd be better off with a better one. Mobo seems good if your not planning to overclock. If you have the spare cash, it'd be worth getting a slightly better CPU.
#19 - Jakg
That was a build i threw together when he said his budget £120 - feel free to do better, but i couldnt
^Well, the only thing I don't like is the motherboard, we arn't even sure if he NEEDS a new motherboard, AFAIK any board that can handle the Pentium D series handles 800mhz Core 2's, and can run Core 2's (not said, but proven) when manually setting fsb to 1066. But even if he gets a new board, that IL9 won't be much of an overclocker...
#21 - Jakg
He never mentioned overclocking, and i've seen a fair few boards that wouldn't support Core 2 CPU's but would take a PD.

I do know about the trick of changing the FSB, but a cheap-ass mobo won't take that much of an "overclock"
Yeah perhaps. All the REAL budget boards are lucky to get a 300fsb wall, no matter what memory or vcore. I'm happy with the eVGA 650i with my fresh build (mmm, tastey E4400)
i dont know about over clocking any way but if some one told me how to then i may get a better mobo

my pc is penturm D but not then one taht can run core2duo
#24 - Jakg
I REALLY wouldn't recommend overclocking if you don't understand it, espcecially not someone telling you what settings to use.

Have you ever put a PC together before...?
i seen people but no i just done a couple of things

can i just ask something i play css and bfs but it seems jumpy kinda unsmooth is that becuz my card running with a low watts and my pc cuts out alot 4 random reason and says about bios

would this make my pc gdish
(33 posts, started )