The online racing simulator
#1 - Woyta
Unknow not Flying Object (UnFO) on KY2 [graphic artifacts]
Yesterday when i conect on F4 public drift i found this. Nobody saw it. Only me. I save replay, layout and screens. When I disconect, I try KY2 with this layout. Still it was there. I restart LFS and try it again. It was there. I make new almost empty layout and set it default. I try reload track. (switch to another track and back) No change. Restart LFS. Ky2 with my layout. UnFO was away. I try load that layout again and set it default. No object. I restart LFS again and try KY2 with that layout again. UnFO disappear.
I show it on CzechLFS forum and we dont thin so that is error of grafic card. Object have constant profile, rounded edges and its shadowed.

My PC is watercooled. Temperatures are OK. Cpu max 50C, VGA max 40C, chipset max 45C, harddrive max 40C. Info about HW in PCinfo.txt Power source is almost new Chieftec 400w.

I apologize for my terrible english.

Attached files
PCinfo.txt - 329.6 KB - 848 views
Your graphics card is overheating or broken, or maybe you have corrupted RAM.
#3 - Woyta
Memtest 6h hours last week OK, VGA card have 37C burn and 120mm fan is cooling VGA memory. Many hours of 3D aplicatinons per day in this 2 months (including profesional CAD aplication) and this is first error what I saw. CPU 3h of Prime95 yesterday. I saw many erros of broken grafic car but it never looks like new object in game.
#4 - Jakg
It's an artefact, i'm getting the same problem (think my card is dieing) - the only thing i can say is that for me it's the memory overheating, and slinging an 80mm fan underneath "fixes" it, but this might not for you.
How can I open these small thumbnails? If I click on them, nothing happens
#6 - Woyta

It works for me.
#7 - Kdovi
Quote from Töki (HUN) :How can I open these small thumbnails? If I click on them, nothing happens

ot: Some sort of popup blocker I guess
Yeah, sure , I live safety
That's no bug, that's the new Japanese bullet train, sadly the track had to get modified for it

I'm only joking, listen to Jakg, he knows what he's talking aboot.
#10 - FL!P
Make sure that dust hasn't accumulated into your computer's air-holes, as this is symptomatic of an overheating card.

I've often seen similar artifacts, until I installed ATI Tool and set it to override the fan speed in order to keep my card's temperature under 60°C.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :That's no bug, that's the new Japanese bullet train, sadly the track had to get modified for it

i was going to say the same
Water cooled PC? What happens if the pipe or whatever breaks and then it leaks into pc and your pc blows up? I got a nice warm fan at the side of my laptop.
I am using quality components (no shits (sorry) like Gigabyte). I minimize a risk. I knows a few coputerer where water leak and most of them works today. I dont wanna have Helicopter in my pc.
#14 - Jakg
Quote from JO53PHS :Water cooled PC? What happens if the pipe or whatever breaks and then it leaks into pc and your pc blows up? I got a nice warm fan at the side of my laptop.

Thats a fairly big "if", though, provided you leak test thigns should be ok.

I've been watercooled for about a year, no issues yet...

No offence, but alot of the times fans just aren't enough to deal with the heat load of an overclocked PC.
I used to get exactly the same graphical glitching in GTR so it's not certainly not an LFS bug. I upgraded the graphics card since then and never noticed the problem since in any game.
Bit off topic but how the fk do you have a water cooled pc what do you do plug it into your cold water tap then run a pipe to the pc? Mine has a very large fan installed in it.
Quote from Luke.S :Bit off topic but how the fk do you have a water cooled pc what do you do plug it into your cold water tap then run a pipe to the pc? Mine has a very large fan installed in it.

Iv wondered the same....?
You can do that too, but it's not very efficient in terms of water wasted and salts accumulated. The usual way involves a pump, a watertank, a radiator, some waterblocks for the components you want to cool and a few pieces of hosing. The water used is usually distilled with some additives to it (anticorrosion, etc).
#20 - Jakg

Thats my watercooled PC, the blue tubes hold Water.

Water flows through tubes into blocks on top of components where the heat from the components is transfered to the water, which then flows through a radiator which transfers the heat to the air.
I have an identical graphic card, well the older version (1900GT, catalyst driver 7.12 and ati tray tools, in combination with a C2D, 3GB) and experienced the same problems (textures which are show wrong). Probably due to driver issues.
when did kyoto get a monorail track?? lol