Yup, record at half speed then double the speed of the recording whilst maintaining audio pitch. I use Adobe Premiere for this, but I hear VirtualDub? is also good and Sony Vegas can also do it. Whilst watching though I cant say that low framerates particularly bothered me personally.
Quote from DarinSRT :Don't worry about the names.. We'll make sure the community and world looks at LFS as a true sim!

In all honesty though about this community, it is harder to report on to the real world..

Names like "Asslover" or "MexicanMan" don't go over as well as names like Dom Duhan or Greger Huttu..


You don't know what Bawbag means do you?

On topic, great episode, miles better than the last and i'm sure it will keep on doing so.
To those of you with the compliments, thanks so much!

Yes it is American style cause like someone said, we're Americans..

It will always have that..But, you have to admit we're trying to be diverse.. Team Redline doesn't have any Americans (that I know of) which by the way doesn't matter cause they're the best no matter what nationality.

If someone else out there would like to contribute on an International level and submit a segment, we'd be all for it !!

To answer your question Becky on Daytona.. It was a 3 gig file so we're cutting it in segments and will have it up soon as well as the F1 79 series race we did at Nordshliefe. Trust me you did great..

Oh and..To the people that either complained or gave good critism, we read what you write and have actually used things to better the show..We're having a lot of fun doing this and want to be taken seriously at the same time.. Comments like some in this thread just help motivate us to take it to the next level. Hopefully you'll agree as more episodes air.
#80 - Nobo
Really think the second episode was much better then the first one. Have seen you took some of the criticism mentioned in the other thread and really improved.
Keep up the good work! Good to see its not just me dedicated to racing games
Will watch everything you gonna publish for sure

Tuned in for the start session of your Daytona coverage, even though i didnt knew at all which game it was or to which series it belong( i believe some rfactor league?) i enjoyed your commentations. You always got sth to talk about what is hard in endurance racing coverage, would be awesome to see some live commentations from you in lfs
Thanks Nobo ! I would love to do a live LFS broadcast.. Speaking of Daytona.. We have part 1 of 3 up to view.. Becky Rose joined us at about the 1.5 hour mark for an interview


Parts 2 and 3 are being processed by Google and will be up soon


Quote from Nobo :Tuned in for the start session of your Daytona coverage, even though i didnt knew at all which game it was or to which series it belong( i believe some rfactor league?) i enjoyed your commentations. You always got sth to talk about what is hard in endurance racing coverage, would be awesome to see some live commentations from you in lfs

#82 - JTbo
Quote from DarinSRT :Thanks Nobo ! I would love to do a live LFS broadcast.. Speaking of Daytona.. We have part 1 of 3 up to view.. Becky Rose joined us at about the 1.5 hour mark for an interview


Parts 2 and 3 are being processed by Google and will be up soon


This link seem to be giving me only white page, could be my connection (crappy and expensive hotel wlan), how does it work with others?
I thought they were pretty good and should only get better as they find their feet.

I've only skimmed the first one, but watched the second one in it's entirety. The American bias is fair enough, although the history of sim racing seems to be entirely USA based.

One thing I think you need, is personal mics - lapel types etc. The room / desk mics which you use make it sound like some garage based cable TV show. Higher quality voice audio will make a BIG difference.

Still, great to see someone doing something like this.
It worked for me JTbo, I got to hear every dreadful word I said ! lol... *hangs head in shame*.
#85 - JTbo
Quote from Becky Rose :It worked for me JTbo, I got to hear every dreadful word I said ! lol... *hangs head in shame*.

Bummer, I need to get it to work somehow, certainly I need to hear how such nice and generous sim person as you sound like

I try crapblower next, maybe it works better than FF

Crapblower did work, but this wlan is too crap, buffers only few minutes and then drops connection, must try when I get home :P
You can hear me in the STCC broadcasts too, www.simtouringcarcup.com - but I wouldn't recommend it if that's your only reason for watching. I'm like an extra camp version of Julien Clarey with added butch camp.
Oh come now.. You did just fine.. We want you back for the Nurburg 8 hour race on November 10th

Part two is finally up.. Google is taking for ever to process them.

Quote from Becky Rose :It worked for me JTbo, I got to hear every dreadful word I said ! lol... *hangs head in shame*.

Quote from Becky Rose :You can hear me in the STCC broadcasts too, www.simtouringcarcup.com - but I wouldn't recommend it if that's your only reason for watching. I'm like an extra camp version of Julien Clarey with added butch camp.

You're far too modest. When watching the STCC it doesn't seem like someone talking about some computer generated cars, it sounds like you are commenting on an actual race, and on many counts puts a lot of TV motorsport commentary to shame.

Your enthusiasm for sim racing somes across loud and clear in your commentary, and it rubbed off on me in spades. Heck, the STCC broadcasts are the reason I bought LFS in the first place! If anyone says I'm wasting my time racing I show them an STCC race and they usually either take it back or ask how to get involved themselves...

Getting back on topic (!), I have enjoyed the first few episodes of SRT. When a few of the niggles are ironed out (as mentioned by others in the thread) it will be must see for anyone remotely interested in sim racing. Keep up the good work..
The latest 'This Week In Sim Racing' is out, it's a good show with a wee bit of LFS in there (in the guise of a CTRA press release) but some more of you LFS league organisers need to get on the ball and start promoting yourselves guys - the opportunity is right there for the taking .
Quote :We want you back for the Nurburg 8 hour race on November 10th

Buy me rFactor and i'll commentate for an hour or two
You lost me there Becky ... really you want rFactor
If I am going to commentate on an rFactor race, it would be difficult to do so using only omnipotence. I only see everything on my own servers...
Quote from Becky Rose :If I am going to commentate on an rFactor race, it would be difficult to do so using only omnipotence.

Lol, made me laugh that

The commentating quote of the week from that 12hr Daytona race. "And we've got the green light, the race is on.....Yes Darin only 12 hours to go !"

Keep it up guys
I may just do that.. Are you committing to it if i get you one ?

By the way everyone.. This Week in Sim Racing #2 is out and up in Hi-Res, lo-res and Hi-Res and div-x download..


Quote from Becky Rose :Buy me rFactor and i'll commentate for an hour or two

I missed this post from you Becky.. Thanks for plugging it for us..

And yes.. GREAT point !! We want to report on some LFS leagues yet no one is getting us info.. We also look at sites to try and find good info and we just can't report on the "handles".

If a league could force drivers to put their real names in the license plate field, then we could report on it..

Or, if a league sends us video, pictures and standings with the drivers real names (or names that sound real ) we will put them on the show..

We'd also love to showcase a league on the big show.. Again a problem I've found is a lot of the links on this forum are either dead or out dated. Even ones that have banners..

The leagues that we're reporting on are sending us stuff now weekly.. Make it easy on us and you get showcased..


Quote from Becky Rose :The latest 'This Week In Sim Racing' is out, it's a good show with a wee bit of LFS in there (in the guise of a CTRA press release) but some more of you LFS league organisers need to get on the ball and start promoting yourselves guys - the opportunity is right there for the taking .

Quote from DarinSRT :We'd also love to showcase a league on the big show.. Again a problem I've found is a lot of the links on this forum are either dead or out dated. Even ones that have banners..

just click on race calendar on the top bar of the forum and youll find all leagues which are currently active (and using this forum)
That is the point mate. They cant look up all info on every league. We should provide them pretty much with ready to use features prefrably
Exactly Spikey... There's not too many leagues out there we won't report on.. The ones that make it easy for us have the best chance of getting on the show.. Not saying we won't do research because we do.. But the ones that send in bios, replays, videos, screen shots, stories, etc will get air play in some way..

Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :That is the point mate. They cant look up all info on every league. We should provide them pretty much with ready to use features prefrably

You forgot to Shift-F again in the last ep os This Week in Simracing
Here's one that is not dead or outdated...


Both the GTC and the MRT CC Cup are current series with updated standings, stats, etc. And I know we sent in results.

Quote from DarinSRT :We'd also love to showcase a league on the big show.. Again a problem I've found is a lot of the links on this forum are either dead or out dated. Even ones that have banners..

In fact we do have RSS support for it...


That's only news... probably will have an rss feed with the latest standings, etc. at some point.

Might behoove SRT to have RSS of their own to announce when the new SRT and weekly videos are up... that way sites like LOTA, CTRA, STCC, etc, etc. can easily update themselves.