Here's my little guy - he was about 7 weeks old in this picture. We had him for about two and a half years before was put down in May I believe it was... Ah I miss him
It's a Bernese Mountain Dog. And yup, she's pretty bonkers. Chases mole hills thinking they are rabbits in the distance...
We went to look at the litter on May 1st 1994, and we flew from Swanton Morley to Biggen Hill I think, then hired a car from Biggen to Maidstone (iirc). All the time I was on the portable radio TRYING to find out what had happened to Senna. It was a horrible day, until we saw 12 puppies (5 weeks old then) running towards us in a line..... it was soooooooooooooooo cute!
My Mother drove down a few weeks later to pick up the one we chose, which we did by having a race - first one to run the track won. And it was this one... She howled all the way home (4 hour car journey), and didn't like car journeys for over a year. Now she LOVES em, especially in the motorhome.
Oh, and I think she cost £550 back then.
Edit: it was the dog howling and not liking car journeys, not my mother
Apparently he's fond of the root-massage he gets from reggae tunes (giving a new aspect to roots-reggae) and he's quite uplifted by Vivaldi. Miss Vine on the other hand, which isn't visible in the photo has a strange fixation with synthpop tracks, I guess it's the girly element...
And my pet here is an Aloe Vera Plant. Which lives next to Mount Drew (My moutain of Mountain Dew tins) in my window. I miss my doggie
And I swear he still misses his little brother, as he fell off my bed and broke his hip so we got him put down. And he has never been the same after that. All alone
Yeah - ours sits on peoples feet so they can't escape, then leans very heavily on you (usually until you fall over, with one foot pinned). 9 stone of Dog excerts quite a force (and that was the last time we weighed here, when she was 6 or 7!)
The little cocker spaniel is Charlie, and the german shorthair pointer is Diamond.
Charlie was adopted from a 'Pets in Need' shelter and I think someone lost a great dog, he is the best pet I've ever had. We actually don't think he is full cocker, but a mix of something, but not sure.
Diamond got his name just from a stupid patch of hair in the shape of a diamond on the back of his neck. We've owned him since he was a puppy for sale. And since his specialty is pointing, we use him for hunting mostly... he's crazy though, as you can guess from the photo.
The black and white pics of Charlie are almost a year old probably, he is all trim now. The color pic of the two dogs is from just 10 minutes ago or so . I had to stop them from their daily routine of scaring squirrels out of our yard, was very hard to have them get their eyes off of the tree to the right of the photo .
All the dogs we have ever had I picked from a shelter. I don't see why people dumped them, infact same with our cats (until we found my mum was alergic and got rid). My first dog (Princess) was a mix of everything under the sun. And she hated anyone male bar me, and anyone female bar my mum.
If i had a camera id take a pic of my lil puppy. Shes not really a puppy, shes 9 years old in human years, but shes so small and she acts like a puppy too
When we got our yorkies, they would nip at people. So I just made a game out of it, trying to get them to do it to me, then grab their mouth and blow in their faces we would spend hours doing it, and after about 2-3 weeks they stopped doing it unless you had something fun to play with (like a sock in your hand). It was funny when we picked them up, as we was told "Best keep them away from children, they don't like being played with"... yet all I did with them was play fetch or tug of war with towels or a door snake. Go figure
But when the youngist died (who was the playful one), I just play fetch every now and then, as the one above doesn't like biting things much, and soon lets go, where as the youngist would hold on no matter what. Sometimes all they need is wub
I did notice that the oldie loves to run and play chase, so I'd run around the house and have him run after me, and if I stopped he'd jump on my legs and try and drag me down to the ground.
But Prin started nipping you when she starting going blind and arthritic, unless you talked to her as you walked up and said hello before touching her, she'd go for your hand, or if you touched her hip she'd go for you. That was when we knew it was almost time to put her down. Then when my sister had a babie we decied to was best to get her put down before she bit the babie, as for the first two years of the babies life my sister lived at home (her boyfriend after finding out leged it to Scotland, and she was the smart one in the family :rolleyes: ).
Woo, I get to go home to my doggie soon, think I'll take him to the seaside
so is yours victor, can u bring him/her with u and let him/her drive in your team at the next karting event? i expect the cat would be fast, trying to chase the gopher(04)!